Positive net number of non-permanent residents since late 1990s

  • The net number of non-permanent residents represents the change in the number of non-permanent residents between two dates. For 2012/2013, the net number of non-permanent residents stood at +49,300, down 11.9% from the level (+56,000) observed in 2011/2012.
  • Across all provinces, the net number of non-permanent residents was positive in 2012/2013, thus leading to an increase in the number of non-permanent residents. The highest net number of non-permanent residents was observed in Alberta with +19,600, followed by British-Columbia with +11,500 and Ontario with +7,500. And lastly, the net number non-permanent residents stood at record levels for two provinces: Manitoba (+1,900) and Saskatchewan (+3,900).
  • The net number of non-permanent residents to Canada has been positive since the late 1990s.

Figure 25

Description for figure 25

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