Table 1.1
Levels of literacy, numeracy and problem-solving in technology-rich environments, by Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies test score, 2012

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Table 1.1
Levels of literacy, numeracy and problem-solving in technology-rich environments, by Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies test score, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Levels of literacy, numeracy and problem-solving in technology-rich environments, by Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies test score, 2012. The information is grouped by Level (appearing as row headers), Literacy and numeracy and Problem-solving (appearing as column headers).
Level Literacy and numeracy Problem-solving
Level 5 376 to 500 Note ...: not applicable
Level 4 326 to 375 Note ...: not applicable
Level 3 276 to 325 341 to 500
Level 2 226 to 275 291 to 340
Level 1 176 to 225 241 to 290
Below Level 1 0 to 175 0 to 240
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