Table 2.3
Volunteer rate and distribution of volunteer hours, by personal and economic characteristics, population aged 15 and older, Prince Edward Island, 2010

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Table 2.3
Volunteer rate and distribution of volunteer hours, by personal and economic characteristics, population aged 15 and older, Prince Edward Island, 2010

Table summary
This table displays the results of volunteer rate and distribution of volunteer hours. This information is grouped by personal and economic characteristics and age groups (appearing as row headers) and by volunteer rate, average annual volunteer hours, median annual volunteer hours, total annual volunteer hours, population distribution, percentage of total volunteer hours (appearing as column headers), calculated using percent, hours and millions as a unit of measure.
Personal and economic characteristics and age groups Volunteer rate Average annual volunteer hours1 Median annual volunteer hours1 Total annual volunteer hours Population distribution Percentage of total volunteer hours
percent hours millions percent
Total 55.7 157 52E 10.4 100.0 100.0
15 to 24 61.5 99E F 1.2E 16.8 11.7E
25 to 34 55.2 119E F 1.1E 14.3 10.7E
35 to 44 52.8 138E 70E 1.3E 15.2 12.7E
45 to 54 60.6 187 70E 2.6 19.2 24.8
55 to 64 58.3 198E F 2.4E 17.3 22.8E
65 and older 44.9 197 100 1.8E 17.2 17.4E
Male 51.0 174 76E 5.1 48.4 49.1
Female 60.1 144 45E 5.3 51.6 50.9
Marital status2
Married or common-law 58.1 172 63 7.8 66.1 75.1
Single. never married 55.3 121E 40 1.9E 24.5 18.7E
Separated or divorced 47.5 111E 30E 0.3E 5.2 3.1E
Widow or widower 31.6 206E 77E 0.3E 4.1 3.1E
Less than high school 41.4 103E F 1.0E 22.0 10.5E
Graduated from high school 46.0 129E 50 1.2E 18.4 12.3E
Some postsecondary 57.5 166 120E 0.9E 8.0 8.6E
Postsecondary diploma 58.6 160 50 3.0 29.1 30.6
University degree 74.8 202 75 3.8 22.4 38.0
Labour force status2
Employed 59.8 145 50 6.3 67.9 64.7
Unemployed F F F F F F
Not in the labour force 53.2 188 62 3.1 29.6 32.6
Household income
Less than $20,000 30.8 176E 50 F 9.6 F
$20,000 to $39,999 44.2 209E 64E 2.1E 18.8 19.8E
$40,000 to $59,999 48.0 90E 40 1.1E 21.1 10.4E
$60,000 to $79,999 52.1 183E F 1.8E 16.3 17.7E
$80,000 to $99,999 72.9 173E 75 1.7E 11.7 16.8E
$100,000 or more 76.8 148 62E 3.0 22.5 29.3
Presence of children in household3
No children 51.2 178 62 6.4 59.4 61.7
Pre-school aged children only 46.2 144E F 0.6E 7.6 5.8E
Both pre-school and school aged children 63.6 73E F 0.3E 6.2 3.3E
School aged children only 66.6 143 50E 3.0E 26.9 29.3E
Religious attendance2
Weekly attendance 69.7 192 80E 4.2 28.5 42.7
Not weekly attendance 50.8 141 46 5.6 71.5 57.3
E use with caution
F too unreliable to be published
1. Estimates of average and median annual volunteer hours are calculated for volunteers only.
2. Respondents who did not provide this information are excluded from calculations. For this reason. the sum of annual donations by category does not add to the national total.
3. Pre-school aged is defined as ages 0 to 5, while school aged is defined as ages 6 to 17. Both pre-school and school aged
children indicates the presence in the household of at least one child from each age range (i.e., at least one child aged 0 to 5 and at least one child aged 6 to 17).
Notes: Estimates may not add to totals due to rounding.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2010.
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