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Table 2.1 Survey populations by age groups, Survey of Older Workers (SOW) and Labour Force Survey, 2008

Table 2.2 Regional distribution of employed and self-employed older workers

Table 4.1 Unweighted distribution of other / specify responses – most important reason for first retirement

Table 5.1 Expected sources of income in retirement by current income groupings – household size greater than one, Canada, 2008

Table 5.2 Sources of income you plan to use (expected) in retirement by region, Canada, 2008

Table 5.3 Projected retirement income sources (expected) by occupational group


Chart 2.1 Grouped age older workers still in the labour force (working or looking for work)

Chart 2.2 Incidence of retirement amongst older workers who were not working by region, 2008

Chart 2.3 Percentage of older workers indicating high stress in their current job by Region

Chart 2.4 Percentage of older workers indicating high stress in their current job by grouped age

Chart 3.1 Reasons for displacement since age 50, Survey of Older Workers (SOW) 2008

Chart 4.1 Age of planned retirement from current job and labour force

Chart 4.2 Percentage of employers offering flexible work arrangements and percent of older workers who would use them

Chart 4.3 Most important reason for first retirement - retired or previously retired older workers

Chart 5.1 Principle source of financial advice, Canada, 2008

Chart 5.2 Expected sources of income in retirement, Canada 2008

Chart 5.3 Primary expected source of income in retirement, Canada, 2008

Chart 5.4 Years of pensionable service with current employer, Canada, 2008

Chart 5.5 Years of pensionable service with past employer, Canada, 2008

Chart 5.6 Age planning to apply for Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) / Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)

Chart 5.7 Average proportion of anticipated pension income from public pension sources

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