Table 7.3
Immigrants aged 15 and over with a certificate or a diploma according to first official language spoken and the place where the certificate or diploma was obtained, Canada less Quebec

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Place where the certificate or diploma was obtained Immigrant with first official language spoken
French French and English Other
Canadian diploma or grade 9,945 8,540 635,645
Foreign diploma or grade 9,775 13,875 752,345
Canadian diploma or grade 10,830 8,975 624,805
Foreign diploma or grade 8,710 13,130 715,495
Canadian diploma or grade 20,770 17,515 1,260,455
Foreign diploma or grade 18,490 27,000 1,467,835
Foreign diploma or grade 49.6 61.9 54.2
Foreign diploma or grade 44.6 59.4 53.4
Foreign diploma or grade 47.1 60.7 53.8
The category FOLS other includes FOLS groups "English" and "neither English nor French".
Source(s): Statistics Canada, Census of 2006.
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