Table 8.2
Hours spent, in the past week, doing unpaid housework, yard work or home maintenance for persons outside the household, by age group and sex, Atlantic provinces, 2008

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Age group and hours spent Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all ages 1,950 100.0 950 100.0 1,000 100.0
No hours spent 1,595 81.8 736 77.5 860 86.0
Less than 10 hours spent 299 15.3 182 19.2 117 11.7
10 hours or more spent 56 2.9 32 3.4 24 2.4
15 to 54 1,308 100.0 649 100.0 659 100.0
No hours spent 1,043 79.7 489 75.3 554 84.1
Less than 10 hours spent 229 17.5 138 21.3 92 14.0
10 hours or more spent 35 2.7 22E 3.4E 13E 2.0E
55 and over 642 100.0 301 100.0 341 100.0
No hours spent 552 86.0 246 81.7 306 89.7
Less than 10 hours spent 69 10.7 44 14.6 25 7.3
10 hours or more spent 21 3.3 10E 3.3E 10E 2.9E
The sum of the values for each category may differ to the total due to rounding.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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