Table 7.7
Hours spent, in the past week, doing unpaid housework, yard work or home maintenance, in the household, by age group and sex, Ontario, 2008

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Age group and hours spent Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 10,241 100.0 5,084 100.0 5,157 100.0
No hours spent 1,400 13.7 824 16.2 576 11.2
Less than 5 hours spent 2,410 23.5 1,492 29.3 918 17.8
5 to 14 hours spent 3,906 38.1 1,990 39.1 1,916 37.2
15 hours or more spent 2,524 24.6 778 15.3 1,746 33.9
15 to 34 3,422 100.0 1,734 100.0 1,688 100.0
No hours spent 626 18.3 385 22.2 241 14.3
Less than 5 hours spent 1,180 34.5 664 38.3 516 30.6
5 to 14 hours spent 1,148 33.5 548 31.6 601 35.6
15 hours or more spent 468 13.7 137 7.9 330 19.5
35 to 54 3,875 100.0 1,947 100.0 1,928 100.0
No hours spent 359 9.3 212 10.9 147 7.6
Less than 5 hours spent 703 18.1 500 25.7 202 10.5
5 to 14 hours spent 1,667 43.0 907 46.6 760 39.4
15 hours or more spent 1,146 29.6 327 16.8 819 42.5
55 and over 2,944 100.0 1,403 100.0 1,541 100.0
No hours spent 416 14.1 228 16.3 189 12.3
Less than 5 hours spent 527 17.9 327 23.3 200 13.0
5 to 14 hours spent 1,091 37.1 535 38.1 555 36.0
15 hours or more spent 910 30.9 313 22.3 596 38.7
The sum of the values for each category will differ from the total due to rounding.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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