Table 7.11
Hours spent, in the past week, doing unpaid housework, yard work or home maintenance, in the household, by age group and sex, British Columbia, 2008

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Standard Symbols

Age group and hours spent Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 3,607 100.0 1,797 100.0 1,809 100.0
No hours spent 537 14.9 312 17.4 225 12.4
Less than 5 hours spent 841 23.3 480 26.7 362 20.0
5 to 14 hours spent 1,289 35.7 659 36.7 630 34.8
15 hours or more spent 939 26.0 347 19.3 593 32.8
15 to 34 1,173 100.0 597 100.0 576 100.0
No hours spent 203 17.3 125 20.9 79E 13.7E
Less than 5 hours spent 432 36.8 214 35.8 218 37.8
5 to 14 hours spent 386 32.9 201 33.7 184 31.9
15 hours or more spent 152 13.0 57E 9.5E 94 16.3
35 to 54 1,327 100.0 662 100.0 665 100.0
No hours spent 136 10.2 66E 10.0E 70 10.5
Less than 5 hours spent 260 19.6 179 27.0 82 12.3
5 to 14 hours spent 494 37.2 256 38.7 239 35.9
15 hours or more spent 436 32.9 161 24.3 275 41.4
55 and over 1,107 100.0 538 100.0 569 100.0
No hours spent 198 17.9 121 22.5 77 13.5
Less than 5 hours spent 149 13.5 87 16.2 62 10.9
5 to 14 hours spent 409 36.9 202 37.5 207 36.4
15 hours or more spent 352 31.8 128 23.8 224 39.4
The sum of the values for each category will differ from the total due to rounding.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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