Table 3.5
Voting in last federal, provincial and municipal elections, by age group and sex, Prairie provinces, 2008

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Age group and voted in elections Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 18 and over 4,332 100.0 2,163 100.0 2,168 100.0
Voted in last federal election 2,939 67.8 1,489 68.8 1,450 66.9
Voted in last provincial election 2,922 67.5 1,467 67.8 1,455 67.1
Voted in last municipal election 2,466 56.9 1,213 56.1 1,253 57.8
Voted in last federal and provincial elections 2,639 60.9 1,324 61.2 1,315 60.7
Voted in last federal or last provincial election 3,222 74.4 1,632 75.5 1,590 73.3
Did not vote in either federal or provincial election 1,076 24.8 517 23.9 559 25.8
18 to 24 570 100.0 284 100.0 286 100.0
Voted in last federal election 250 43.9 132 46.5 119 41.6
Voted in last provincial election 260 45.6 146 51.4 114 39.9
Voted in last municipal election 191 33.5 91 32.0 100 35.0
Voted in last federal and provincial elections 195 34.2 112 39.4 84 29.4
Voted in last federal or last provincial election 315 55.3 167 58.8 149 52.1
Did not vote in either federal or provincial election 251 44.0 115 40.5 136 47.6
25 to 54 2,525 100.0 1,289 100.0 1,235 100.0
Voted in last federal election 1,619 64.1 839 65.1 781 63.2
Voted in last provincial election 1,601 63.4 813 63.1 788 63.8
Voted in last municipal election 1,349 53.4 669 51.9 680 55.1
Voted in last federal and provincial elections 1,437 56.9 724 56.2 713 57.7
Voted in last federal or last provincial election 1,783 70.6 928 72.0 855 69.2
Did not vote in either federal or provincial election 717 28.4 352 27.3 365 29.6
55 and over 1,237 100.0 590 100.0 647 100.0
Voted in last federal election 1,070 86.5 519 88.0 551 85.2
Voted in last provincial election 1,061 85.8 507 85.9 554 85.6
Voted in last municipal election 926 74.9 454 76.9 473 73.1
Voted in last federal and provincial elections 1,006 81.3 489 82.9 517 79.9
Voted in last federal or last provincial election 1,124 90.9 537 91.0 587 90.7
Did not vote in either federal or provincial election 108 8.7 51 8.6 57 8.8
The sum of the values for each category will differ from the total due to rounding and multiple responses.
Values for "Don't know" and "Not stated" are included in the total but are not shown separately.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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