Table 3.4
Voting in last federal, provincial and municipal elections, by age group and sex, Ontario, 2008

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Age group and voted in elections Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 18 and over 10,017 100.0 4,892 100.0 5,126 100.0
Voted in last federal election 7,189 71.8 3,479 71.1 3,710 72.4
Voted in last provincial election 7,054 70.4 3,403 69.6 3,652 71.2
Voted in last municipal election 6,230 62.2 2,954 60.4 3,275 63.9
Voted in last federal and provincial elections 6,557 65.5 3,168 64.8 3,389 66.1
Voted in last federal or last provincial election 7,686 76.7 3,713 75.9 3,973 77.5
Did not vote in either federal or provincial election 2,238 22.3 1,146 23.4 1,092 21.3
18 to 24 1,186 100.0 593 100.0 593 100.0
Voted in last federal election 503 42.4 245 41.3 258 43.5
Voted in last provincial election 499 42.1 237 40.0 262 44.2
Voted in last municipal election 392 33.1 178 30.0 214 36.1
Voted in last federal and provincial elections 407 34.3 203 34.2 204 34.4
Voted in last federal or last provincial election 594 50.1 279 47.0 315 53.1
Did not vote in either federal or provincial election 572 48.2 303 51.1 268 45.2
25 to 54 5,737 100.0 2,852 100.0 2,886 100.0
Voted in last federal election 4,010 69.9 1,976 69.3 2,034 70.5
Voted in last provincial election 3,876 67.6 1,913 67.1 1,963 68.0
Voted in last municipal election 3,345 58.3 1,620 56.8 1,725 59.8
Voted in last federal and provincial elections 3,572 62.3 1,756 61.6 1,817 63.0
Voted in last federal or last provincial election 4,313 75.2 2,133 74.8 2,180 75.5
Did not vote in either federal or provincial election 1,371 23.9 699 24.5 671 23.3
55 and over 3,094 100.0 1,447 100.0 1,647 100.0
Voted in last federal election 2,676 86.5 1,258 86.9 1,419 86.2
Voted in last provincial election 2,680 86.6 1,253 86.6 1,427 86.6
Voted in last municipal election 2,493 80.6 1,157 80.0 1,336 81.1
Voted in last federal and provincial elections 2,577 83.3 1,209 83.6 1,368 83.1
Voted in last federal or last provincial election 2,779 89.8 1,301 89.9 1,478 89.7
Did not vote in either federal or provincial election 296 9.6 144 10.0 152 9.2
The sum of the values for each category will differ from the total due to rounding and multiple responses.
Values for "Don't know" and "Not stated" are included in the total but are not shown separately.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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