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Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 – Provincial and Territorial Reports: Off reserve Aboriginal populationBy Vivian O'Donnell and Adriana Ballardin, Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Statistics Canada Important note to usersPlease note this product was corrected as of October 31, 2006. The initial release was March 23, 2006. The French version of this product was corrected due to translation errors. In the English and the French versions, typographical errors have been corrected and missing data and data quality symbols have been added to graphs and tables. The purpose of the provincial and territorial reports is to present a summary of demographic, social and economic characteristics of the off reserve Aboriginal population in the Atlantic provinces, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon and Northwest Territories. Information on education, residential schools, information technology, employment, mobility and housing, health and language are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided, as are some comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2001 Census and the 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. The 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) is a post-censal survey of adults and children who reported Aboriginal ancestry, Aboriginal identity, Registered Indian status and/or Band membership on the 2001 Census. Approximately 76,000 adults and 41,000 children living in private households in the provinces and territories were selected to participate in the survey. The data were collected between September 2001 and January 2002. For data on the Aboriginal population residing in reserve communities, please see 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey: Internet Community Profiles (Catalogue no. 89-590-XIE) and 2001 Census Aboriginal Population Profile (Catalogue no. 94F0043XIE). You need to use the free Adobe Reader to view PDF documents. To view (open) these files, simply click on the link. To download (save) them, right-click on the link. Note that if you are using Internet Explorer or AOL, PDF documents sometimes do not open properly. See Troubleshooting PDFs. PDF documents may not be accessible by some devices. For more information, visit the Adobe website or contact us for assistance. |