Table 14
Response rates of cycle 7 respondents for school readiness indicators at cycle 5 and for mathematics test score at cycle 7, by child and family characteristics

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Response rates of cycle 7 respondents for school readiness indicators at cycle 5 and for mathematics test score at cycle 7, by child and family characteristics
  Receptive vocabulary score cycle 5 1 Number knowledge score cycle 5 1 Who Am I? score cycle 5 2 Mathematics test score cycle 7 3
Overall response rate 91 91 87 89
Girls 93 93 89 90
Boys 89 89 86 87
Income status  
Very low income 86 86 84 80
Higher income 91 92 88 90
Income level  
Below low income cut-off 86 86 84 80
Low income cut-off to less than 2 times low income cut-off 90 90 86 89
Two times to less than 3 times low income cut-off 92 93 89 88
Three times low income cut-off or above 93 93 90 93
Parent education level  
High school or less 86 86 82 86
More than high school 93 93 90 90
Family structure  
One-parent family 90 90 85 84
Two-parent family 91 91 88 89
Country of birth of parent  
Not Canada 87 87 86 89
Canada 92 93 88 89
Response rate for this measure was significantly higher statistically and substantively for those with more educated parents and for those with parents born in Canada.
Response rate for this measure was significantly higher statistically and substantively for those with more educated parents.
Response rate for this measure was significantly higher statistically and substantively for children in high income families.
Statistical significance: p<0.01 for differences between levels. Substantive differences are defined as percentage differences of 5 points or more. Cycle 7 cross-sectional weights and cross-sectional bootstrap weights for variance estimation were used for these non-response analyses.
Source: Statistics Canada: National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth 2002/2003 and 2006/2007.