Table 1
Prevalence of disability among women and men aged 15 or older, by Aboriginal identity and age group, Canada, 2011

Table 1
Prevalence of disability among women and men aged 15 or older, by Aboriginal identity and age group, Canada, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of Prevalence of disability among women and men aged 15 or older. The information is grouped by Age group (appearing as row headers), Women, Men, Non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Age group Women Men
Non-Aboriginal Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal Aboriginal
15 or older 14.7Note * 22.0Note * Table 1 Note  12.5 14.6
15 to 24 4.1 8.1Note E: Use with caution 4.4 7.0Table 1 Note 
25 to 54 9.1Note * 21.3Note * Table 1 Note  8.1 12.1Table 1 Note 
55 to 64 20.8Note * 33.9Table 1 Note  19.0 26.8
65 or older 35.0Note * 53.4Note * Table 1 Note  30.6 39.2
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