Table 10
Characteristics of seniors' social networks, by age group and sex, Canada, 2013

Table 10
Characteristics of seniors' social networks, by age group and sex, Canada, 2013
Table summary
This table displays the results of Characteristics of seniors' social networks. The information is grouped by Characteristic (appearing as row headers), Women, Men, Total – 65 years and over, 65 to 74 years , 75 years and over and Total 65 years and over, calculated using percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Characteristic Women Men
Total – 65 years and over 65 to 74 years 75 years and over Total – 65 years and over 65 to 74 years 75 years and over
Number of family members respondent feels close to  
None 5 3 6Note  6Note * 6Note * 6
One to four 44 44 44 48Note * 46 51Note *Note 
Five or more 52 53 50 46Note * 48Note * 43Note *Note 
Number of friends respondent feels close to  
None 11 9 13Note  13Note * 11 17Note Note *
One to four 45 47 42Note  43 46 40Note 
Five or more 44 44 44 43 43 43
Number of friends excluding closest (i.e., acquaintances)  
None 13 11 17Note  14 11 18Note 
One to four 13 13 14 13 13 13
Five or more 73 76 70Note  73 76 69Note 
Daily in-person contact  
With familyNote 1 10 9 10 8Note * 8 8
With friends 11 9 14Note  11 10 12
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