Chart 6
Average literacy scores of population aged 16 to 65, by sex and selected Aboriginal identity group, Canada and oversampled populations, 2012

Chart 6 Average literacy scores of population aged 16 to 65, by sex and selected Aboriginal identity group, Canada and oversampled populations, 2012
Description for Chart 6
Data table for Chart 6 Chart 6 Average literacy scores of population aged 16 to 65, by sex and selected Aboriginal identity group, Canada and oversampled populations, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Chart 6 Average literacy scores of population aged 16 to 65 Aboriginal females, Non-Aboriginal females and Aboriginal males, calculated using score units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Aboriginal femalesNote  Non-Aboriginal females Aboriginal males
Canada 262 273Note * 257
Ontario 272 274 266
Manitoba 259 278Note * 259
Saskatchewan 252 276Note * 244
British Columbia 267 274 264
Yukon 250 285 234
Northwest Territories 229 281Note * 228
Nunavut 206 293Note * 208
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