Table 7
Distribution (number and percent) of active civil court family cases by type, Canada, 2013/2014

Table summary
This table displays the results of Distribution (number and percent) of active civil court family cases by type, Canada, 2013/2014. The information is grouped by Type of civil court case (appearing as row headers), Number and Distribution, calculated using thousands and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of civil court case Number Distribution
thousands percent
Total family cases 313.2 100.0
Child protection cases 31.8 10.2
Divorce cases 114.9 36.7
Divorce cases with no issue(s) identified 76.0 24.3
Divorce cases with issue(s) identified 38.9 12.4
Other family cases 166.5 53.2
Access and/or custody cases 24.8 7.9
Access and/or custody and support cases 34.7 11.1
Support cases 31.9 10.2
Other case types 67.9 21.7
Unknown case types 7.2 2.3
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