Table 7
Average annual earnings of women and men, by employment status, in 2008 dollars, 1976 to 2008

Table 7
Average annual earnings of women and men, by employment status, in 2008 dollars, 1976 to 2008
Table summary
This table displays the results of Average annual earnings of women and men. The information is grouped by Year appearing as row headers and is grouped by All earners, Full-time, full-year, Other workers, Women, Men, Earnings ratio appearing as column headers, calculated using dollars and percentage as a unit of measure.
Year All earners Full-time, full-year Other workers
Women Men Earnings
Women Men Earnings
Women Men Earnings
dollars percentage dollars percentage dollars percentage
1976 21,100 45,100 46.8 34,100 57,300 59.4 12,200 23,400 52.2
1981 22,200 41,700 53.2 33,700 53,000 63.5 12,400 20,300 61.1
1986 23,300 40,700 57.2 34,400 52,500 65.6 13,000 17,800 72.8
1991 24,000 40,000 60.1 36,700 53,400 68.7 11,900 17,200 69.1
1996 25,400 40,000 63.6 38,600 53,000 72.8 13,000 16,800 77.1
1998 26500 42300 62.8 40,500 56,300 71.9 13,600 18,700 72.7
2001 27,600 44,400 62.1 40,600 58,100 69.9 15,200 19,400 78.4
2006 29,000 44,800 64.7 43,200 60,000 71.9 14,900 19,200 77.4
2007 29,900 45,500 65.7 44,100 61,700 71.4 15,400 19,300 79.7
2008 30,200 46,900 64.5 44,700 62,600 71.3 15,200 20,000 75.7
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 202-0102.
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