Table 15
Enterprises with one or more employee, by industry, with percentage change from 2006 to 2010 and percentage distribution, 2010

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Enterprises with one or more employee, by industry, with percentage change from 2006 to 2010 and percentage distribution, 2010
Table summary
This table displays the counts of business enterprises with one or more employees. The row headers provide information by industry group. The column headers provide information for the five most recent years available, the percentage change over the five most recent years and the distribution of enterprises by industry group for the most recent year available.
  2006 2007 2008 2009 r 2010 Change from  2006 to  2010 2010  distribution
  number percent
Total 973,485 974,910 985,283 998,810 999,693 2.6 100.0
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 54,926 49,119 49,270 49,642 49,727 -10.5 5.0
Agriculture 39,544 35,201 35,935 36,789 37,339 -5.9 3.7
Forestry and logging 9,414 8,410 7,881 7,449 7,036 -33.8 0.7
Fishing, hunting and trapping 5,968 5,508 5,454 5,404 5,352 -11.5 0.5
Mining and oil and gas extraction 8,332 8,326 8,418 8,671 8,282 -0.6 0.8
Oil and gas extraction 6,780 6,684 6,755 6,879 6,500 -4.3 0.7
Mining 1,552 1,642 1,663 1,792 1,782 12.9 0.2
Utilities 3,423 3,485 3,220 3,274 3,283 -4.3 0.3
Electric power 457 469 323 321 306 -49.3 0.0
Other utilities 2,966 3,016 2,897 2,953 2,977 0.4 0.3
Construction 118,278 116,165 120,539 123,242 124,773 5.2 12.5
Manufacturing 53,580 52,553 51,483 50,755 49,202 -8.9 4.9
Food 5,254 5,226 5,083 4,987 4,856 -8.2 0.5
Beverage and tobacco 630 618 627 660 652 3.4 0.1
Textile 1,477 1,410 1,355 1,284 1,217 -21.4 0.1
Wood products 3,729 3,675 3,582 3,468 3,376 -10.5 0.3
Paper 590 588 555 545 509 -15.9 0.1
Printing 4,535 4,357 4,233 4,202 4,062 -11.6 0.4
Petroleum and coal products 147 153 139 129 136 -8.1 0.0
Pharmaceutical and medicine 267 265 261 266 261 -2.3 0.0
Other chemicals 1,507 1,487 1,439 1,454 1,447 -4.1 0.1
Plastic products 1,775 1,739 1,711 1,724 1,662 -6.8 0.2
Rubber products 281 275 265 266 252 -11.5 0.0
Non-metallic mineral products 1,857 1,870 1,837 1,818 1,764 -5.3 0.2
Primary metal (ferrous) 314 325 293 319 318 1.3 0.0
Primary metal (non-ferrous) 281 278 265 247 252 -11.5 0.0
Fabricated metal products 7,974 7,907 7,893 7,824 7,581 -5.2 0.8
Machinery 5,109 5,041 4,963 4,853 4,664 -9.5 0.5
Computer and peripheral equipment 257 247 246 244 224 -14.7 0.0
Communications equipment 296 283 274 291 278 -6.5 0.0
Semiconductor and other electronic components 439 422 396 399 387 -13.4 0.0
Navigational, measuring, medical and control instruments 769 750 727 717 689 -11.6 0.1
Other computer and electronic products 191 187 179 186 179 -6.7 0.0
Electrical equipment, appliance and components 1,085 1,073 1,049 1,034 1,015 -6.9 0.1
Motor vehicle and parts 1,308 1,295 1,263 1,234 1,178 -11.0 0.1
Aerospace products and parts 221 233 223 227 212 -4.2 0.0
All other transportation equipment 602 558 520 515 491 -22.6 0.0
Furniture and related products 4,350 4,268 4,289 4,237 4,139 -5.1 0.4
Other manufacturing industries 8,335 8,023 7,816 7,625 7,401 -12.6 0.7
Services 734,946 745,262 752,353 763,226 764,426 3.9 76.5
Wholesale trade 52,281 51,184 50,731 50,449 48,924 -6.9 4.9
Retail trade 105,893 104,288 104,281 102,161 100,942 -4.9 10.1
Transportation and warehousing 44,528 43,666 45,396 46,400 46,054 3.3 4.6
Information and cultural industries 11,450 10,934 10,781 10,934 10,998 -4.1 1.1
Finance, insurance and real estate 70,740 62,436 63,200 64,170 66,591 -6.2 6.7
Architectural, engineering and related services 18,576 17,643 17,664 17,839 17,479 -6.3 1.7
Computer system design and related services 23,174 21,865 23,154 24,312 24,583 5.7 2.5
Management, scientific and technical consulting services 27,045 24,258 24,471 25,305 25,193 -7.4 2.5
Scientific research and development services 2,422 2,403 2,432 2,468 2,447 1.0 0.2
Health care and social assistance 79,256 81,031 81,599 83,246 85,545 7.4 8.6
All other services 299,581 325,554 328,644 335,942 335,670 10.8 33.6
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, Business Register, enterprises with one or more employees, December 2000-2005.
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