Table 4
Concentration of total intramural research and development expenditures by top performing companies

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Concentration of total intramural research and development expenditures by top performing companies

Table summary
This table displays the results of concentration of total intramural research and development expenditures by top performing companies top 25, top 50, top 75, top 100 and total intramural expenditures, calculated using percent and millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Top 25 Top 50 Top 75 Top 100 Total intramural expenditures
  percent millions of dollars
2012Note p: preliminary 34 42 47 51 15,493A
2011Note p: preliminary 34 42 47 51 15,358A
2010Note p: preliminary 31 40 46 50 15,116A
2009Note r: revised 30 38 44 48 15,569A
2008Note r: revised 28 38 44 48 16,644A
2007 29 38 44 48 16,756
2006 31 42 48 51 16,474
2005 32 42 49 52 15,638
2004 33 43 49 53 15,144
2003 34 44 50 54 14,094
2002 34 44 50 54 13,545
2001 41 49 55 59 14,266
2000 46 54 60 64 12,395
1999 44 54 59 63 10,399
1998 46 55 60 64 9,682
1997 44 53 59 63 8,739
1996 41 50 56 61 7,997
1995 39 48 54 58 7,991
1994 39 49 54 58 7,567
1993 43 54 60 64 6,424
1992 45 55 60 64 5,742
1991 47 57 63 67 5,355
1990 47 58 64 68 5,169
1989 48 59 64 68 4,779
1988 49 59 64 68 4,623
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