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Statistics Canada’s life sciences statistics program: Future directions and challenges
Biotechnology spinoffs: Transferring knowledge from universities and government labs to the marketplace
Why don’t plants innovate? Findings from the Survey of Innovation 2005
The use of patents and the protection of intellectual property in the Canadian manufacturing industry
Interpreting indicators of the commercial value of intellectual property
Tracking use of Radio Frequency Identification tags in Canadian organizations
Profiling Internet use among workers in the information and communications technologies sector

Statistics Canada’s life sciences statistics program: Future directions and challenges


Table 1  Key biotechnology statistics from selected OECD member states, 2003

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Biotechnology spinoffs: Transferring knowledge from universities and government labs to the marketplace


Table 1  Biotechnology spinoffs by originating organization and sector
Table 2  Selected characteristics of biotechnology spinoffs and non-spinoffs

Why don’t plants innovate? Findings from the Survey of Innovation 2005


Chart 1  Non-innovative plants, by reasons for not innovating, 2002 to 2004
Chart 2  Plants rating a high degree of importance to market- and product-related factors for the success for their plant, 2002 to 2004

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The use of patents and the protection of intellectual property in the Canadian manufacturing industry


Chart 1  Use of patents by Canadian manufacturing plants, compared to strategic methods of intellectual property protection during the period 2002 to 2004
Chart 2  Percentage of firms protecting intellectual property, that used patents during the period, 2002 to 2004, by size
Chart 3  Percentage of manufacturing firms that used patents to protect intellectual property, by subsector, 2002 to 2004

Interpreting indicators of the commercial value of intellectual property


Table 1  How firms use Intellectual Property to create value

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Tracking use of Radio Frequency Identification tags in Canadian organizations


Table 1  Organizations in the private sectors that use Radio Frequency Identification tags
Table 2  Organizations in the public sectors that use Radio Frequency Identification tags

Profiling Internet use among workers in the information and communications technologies sector


Table 1  Selected characteristics of workers, by status of work, 2005
Table 2  Selected Internet use attributes of workers, by status of work, 2005
Table 3  Internet activities of workers, by status of work, 2005