Statistics Canada
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Science Statistics

Estimates of Research and Development Expenditures in the Higher Education Sector, 2006/2007

August 2008 edition


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Selected publications from Statistics Canada

Industrial Research and Development: Intentions
Federal Scientific Activities
Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development in Canada and the Provinces
Science and Technology Activities and Impacts: A Framework for a Statistical Information
Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division Working Papers
Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division Research Papers

Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada

Gross domestic expenditures on research and development, by science type and by funder and performer sector, annual
Business enterprise research and development (BERD) characteristics, by industry group based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual
Intellectual property management, by federal departments and agencies indicators, annual

Selected surveys from Statistics Canada

Research and Development in Canadian Industry
Research and Development of Canadian Private Non-Profit Organizations
Provincial Research Organizations (PRO)
Provincial Government Activities in the Natural Sciences
Provincial Government Activities in the Social Sciences
Federal Science Expenditures and Personnel, Activities in the Social Sciences and Natural Sciences
Higher Education Research and Development Estimates

Selected summary tables from Statistics Canada

  1. Research and development performed by the business enterprise sector
  2. Domestic spending on research and development (GERD), funding sector, by province
  3. Domestic spending on research and development (GERD), performing sector, by province
  4. Domestic spending on research and development (GERD)