Table 1
Selected types of fraud committed against retail, banking and insurance business establishments, Canada, 2008

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Selected types of fraud committed against retail, banking and insurance business establishments, Canada, 2008
Total non-employee fraud 81.2
Return fraud 32.1
Fraudulent uses of credit cards 15.2
Counterfeit money 15.0
Fraudulent uses of cheques 8.0
False identify 3.1
False billing 2.2
False information 1.7
Non-employee other fraud 1.4
Fraudulent uses of private label cards 1.3
Fraudulent uses of debit cards 1.3
Total employee fraud 18.8
Asset misappropriation 14.4
Other economically related fraud 3.2
Improper claims on expense accounts 0.6 E
Financial misrepresentation 0.6
Banking 1  
Total non-employee fraud 99.9
Fraudulent uses of debit cards 49.8
Fraudulent uses of cheques 29.1
Worthless deposits 9.9
Counterfeit money 6.2
Fraudulent uses of credit cards 1.2 E
False identify 0.9 E
Non-employee other fraud 0.6
Other loan fraud F
False billing F
Mortgage fraud F
Total employee fraud 0.1
Asset misappropriation 0.1 E
Improper claims on expense accounts F
Financial misrepresentation F
Other economically related fraud 0.0
Health and property insurance  
Total non-employee fraud 98.7
Insurance claim fraud 77.0
Total other non-employee fraud 21.7 E
Advanced fee schemes F
False billing 17.3 E
Other fraud F
Total employee fraud 1.3 E
Asset misappropriation 0.7 E
Improper claims on expense accounts F
Financial misrepresentation F
Other economically related fraud F
About 29% of individual banking establishments were able to provide information on the number and types of fraud incidents experienced in the previous 12-month period; this information was unavailable for the remaining 71% of banking establishments.
Statistics Canada, Survey of Fraud Against Businesses, 2007/2008.
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