Table 5
Police-reported incidents of youth crime in a private residence, by type of housing, Toronto, 2006

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Police-reported incidents of youth crime in a private residence, by type of housing, Toronto, 2006

Table summary
This table displays the results of police-reported incidents of youth crime in a private residence. The information is grouped by type of offence (appearing as row headers), type of housing and house, calculated using house, dwelling unit, number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).

Type of offence Type of housing
House Dwelling unit House Dwelling unit
  number percent
Violent crime  
RobberyNote 1 12 36 25 75
Serious assault (levels 2 and 3)Note 1 54 71 43 57
Common assault (level 1)Note 1 117 122 49 51
Uttering threatsNote 1 70 97 42 58
Total incidents of youth violent
crime  Note 2
211 303 41 59
Property crime  
Breaking and enteringNote 1 107 56 66 34
TheftNote 1 45 38 54 46
MischiefNote 1 60 55 52 48
Total incidents of youth property
crime  Note 2
217 134 62 38
Total incidents of youth crime  Note 3 564 615 48 52
Includes all recorded violations in each incident.        
Includes the most serious violation in each incident only.        
Includes the most serious violation in each incident only. Includes violent crime, property crime, 'other'        
Note(s): Represents the incident count and not the accused count. Percents have been rounded.        
Includes all recorded violations in each incident.
Includes the most serious violation in each incident only.
Includes the most serious violation in each incident only. Includes violent crime, property crime, 'other' Criminal Code violations (e.g., failure to comply with conditions, possession of weapons) and violations of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (e.g., possession of cannabis). Incidents including at least one accused aged from 12 to 17 years old. Includes a small number (approximately 2%) of accused youth under the age of 12.
Represents the incident count and not the accused count. Percents have been rounded.
Statistics Canada, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, geocoded database, 2006 and 2006 Census.
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