Table 7
Types of abuse experienced by adult female residents of shelters for victims of abuse, by type of shelter, Canada, April 14, 2021

Table 7
Types of abuse experienced by adult female residents of shelters for victims of abuse, by type of shelter, Canada, April 14, 2021
Table summary
This table displays the results of Types of abuse experienced by adult female residents of shelters for victims of abuse. The information is grouped by Type of abuse (appearing as row headers), Indigenous shelters and Non-Indigenous shelters, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of abuse Indigenous sheltersTable 7 Note 1 Non-Indigenous shelters
number percent number percent
Total adult female residentsTable 7 Note 2 198 Note ...: not applicable 1,788 Note ...: not applicable
Physical abuse 139 70 1,367 76
Sexual abuse 42 21 660 37
Financial abuse 67 34 1,015 57
Emotional or psychological abuse 149 75 1,622 91
Harassment 59 30 620 35
Forced marriage 0 0 40 2
Human trafficking: sex work or forced labour/other 13 7 70 4
Cultural abuse 14 7 147 8
Spiritual abuse 10 5 108 6
OtherTable 7 Note 3 4 2 47 3
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