Table 3
Percent of shelters for victims of abuse reporting a great extent of impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by type of impact and type of shelter, Canada, 2020/2021

Table 3
Percent of shelters for victims of abuse reporting a great extent of impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by type of impact and type of shelter, Canada, 2020/2021
Table summary
This table displays the results of Percent of shelters for victims of abuse reporting a great extent of impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The information is grouped by Type of impact (appearing as row headers), Indigenous shelters and Non-Indigenous shelters, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of impact Indigenous sheltersTable 3 Note 1 Non-Indigenous shelters
Shelter's current ability to provide services being impacted by the following challenges
Accommodation capacity 46 47
Shortage of funding Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 11
Difficulties accessing resources such as food or clothing 11 11
Difficulties accessing personal protective equipment (PPE) or cleaning products Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 7
Difficulties providing professional services or programs 41 29
Difficulties communicating with victims outside the facility or residents 32 19
Difficulties communicating or working with other agencies 13 15
Difficulties following or applying government or public health recommendations and measures related to COVID-19 11 8
Shelter's current ability to provide services being impacted by the following staffing challenges
Staff availability or reluctance to work due to health concerns or mental health challenges 23 16
Staff availability due to self-isolation requirements 26 11
Staff availability due to family or caregiving responsibilities 28 15
Challenges related to staff shifting to working from home 11 9
Challenges related to hiring or training new staff 23 36
Challenges related to volunteer work 23 33
Staff being restricted to work at one location only 16 19
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