Table 5
Police-reported crime for selected offences, by province or territory, 2021

Table 5
Police-reported crime for selected offences, by province or territory, 2021
Table summary
This table displays the results of Police-reported crime for selected offences. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Homicide, Attempted murder, Major assault
(level 2 and 3) and Robbery, calculated using number, rate and percent change in rate 2020 to 2021 units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Homicide Attempted murder Major assault (level 2 and 3)Table 5 Note 1 Robbery
number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2
Newfoundland and Labrador 8 1.54 Note ...: not applicable 1 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded Note ...: not applicable 892 171 5 170 33 34
Prince Edward Island 0 0.00 Note ...: not applicable 1 0.61 Note ...: not applicable 133 81 12 17 10 109
Nova Scotia 23 2.32 -38 43 4.33 -11 1,606 162 6 288 29 7
New Brunswick 11 1.39 -22 15 1.90 65 1,370 174 8 117 15 -20
Quebec 88 1.02 1 213 2.48 -6 13,412 156 10 2,704 31 -3
Ontario 277 1.87 15 291 1.96 -12 19,985 135 8 6,429 43 -10
Manitoba 61 4.41 -2 11 0.79 -45 7,228 522 15 2,245 162 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded
Saskatchewan 70 5.93 9 45 3.81 -6 5,674 481 3 917 78 -3
Alberta 118 2.66 -17 46 1.04 -26 11,896 268 4 2,839 64 -4
British Columbia 125 2.40 24 70 1.34 -30 10,860 208 3 2,740 53 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded
Yukon 4 9.31 Note ...: not applicable 1 2.33 Note ...: not applicable 251 584 12 18 42 -23
Northwest Territories 1 2.20 Note ...: not applicable 3 6.59 Note ...: not applicable 637 1,400 3 30 66 -12
Nunavut 2 5.08 Note ...: not applicable 6 15.23 -1 654 1,660 -10 16 41 32
Canada 788 2.06 3 746 1.95 -13 74,613 195 7 18,530 48 -5
Province or territory Sexual assault
(level 1, 2 and 3)
Breaking and entering Motor vehicle theft Impaired drivingTable 5 Note 3
number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2
Newfoundland and Labrador 531 102 28 1,504 289 -1 445 85 -9 2,073 398 -9
Prince Edward Island 147 89 19 325 198 -6 107 65 -3 805 490 -9
Nova Scotia 930 94 6 2,534 255 5 1,040 105 9 3,040 306 -13
New Brunswick 747 95 22 3,605 457 13 1,665 211 9 2,023 256 -23
Quebec 7,825 91 29 16,403 191 -12 13,712 159 19 10,707 124 -6
Ontario 11,233 76 17 36,928 249 -6 27,495 185 14 16,336 110 7
Manitoba 1,729 125 6 8,622 623 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 4,804 347 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 4,580 331 -3
Saskatchewan 1,424 121 5 8,436 715 -2 5,146 436 12 6,446 546 -9
Alberta 4,417 99 21 24,435 550 -17 17,756 400 -9 8,159 184 -30
British Columbia 4,524 87 15 21,757 417 -15 10,684 205 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 14,699 282 -9
Yukon 118 275 -4 212 493 3 123 286 -15 615 1,431 -23
Northwest Territories 231 508 -7 400 879 7 173 380 8 1,369 3,009 3
Nunavut 220 558 -15 320 812 5 120 305 15 574 1,457 -22
Canada 34,242 90 18 125,536 328 -10 83,288 218 6 71,495 187 -9
Province or territory Total fraudTable 5 Note 4 Fraud Identity fraud Identity theft
number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2020 to 2021Table 5 Note 2
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,667 320 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 1,523 293 3 87 17 6 57 11 -44
Prince Edward Island 910 554 21 741 451 13 136 83 80 33 20 62
Nova Scotia 5,039 508 -7 4,310 434 -9 587 59 72 142 14 -58
New Brunswick 5,231 663 5 4,314 547 6 515 65 73 402 51 -33
Quebec 34,586 402 12 23,818 277 12 7,056 82 16 3,712 43 10
Ontario 60,695 409 -1 51,429 347 -2 8,065 54 1 1,201 8 15
Manitoba 6,085 440 -2 5,588 404 -1 386 28 -11 111 8 -12
Saskatchewan 6,259 530 -5 5,373 455 -7 721 61 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 165 14 40
Alberta 22,628 509 -7 19,522 439 -5 2,281 51 -9 825 19 -25
British Columbia 24,700 474 -7 20,348 390 -5 3,832 73 -14 520 10 -8
Yukon 273 635 -18 263 612 -15 7 16 -67 3 7 Note ...: not applicable
Northwest Territories 253 556 7 241 530 13 8 18 -53 4 9 Note ...: not applicable
Nunavut 98 249 23 86 218 19 7 18 39 5 13 Note ...: not applicable
Canada 168,483 441 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 137,609 360 -1 23,692 62 3 7,182 19 -3
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