Table 11
Senior and non-senior victims of homicide, by accused-victim relationship, incident location, primary method used to cause death and victim gender, Canada, 2000 to 2020

Table 11
Senior and non-senior victims of homicide, by accused-victim relationship, incident location, primary method used to cause death and victim gender, Canada, 2000 to 2020
Table summary
This table displays the results of Senior and non-senior victims of homicide. The information is grouped by Accused-victim relationship, incident location and primary method used to cause death (appearing as row headers), Seniors, Non-seniors, Female victims, Male victims and Total victims, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Accused-victim relationship, incident location and primary method used to cause death Seniors Non-seniors
Female victims Male victims Total victimsTable 11 Note 1 Female victims Male victims Total victimsTable 11 Note 1
number percent number percent number percent number percent number percent number percent
Accused-victim relationship
Intimate partner 119 32 27 6 146 18 1,347 49 377 6 1,725 19
SpouseTable 11 Note 2 113 30 12 3 125 15 1,024 37 265 4 1,290 15
Non-spousal intimate partnerTable 11 Note 3 6 2 15 3 21 3 323 12 112 2 435 5
Non-spousal family 130 35 122 27 253 31 610 22 939 15 1,551 18
ChildTable 11 Note 4 82 22 89 20 172 21 175 6 185 3 360 4
OtherTable 11 Note 5 48 13 33 7 81 10 435 16 754 12 1,191 13
Non-family 125 33 297 67 422 51 774 28 4,805 79 5,579 63
FriendTable 11 Note 6 42 11 132 30 174 21 349 13 2,231 36 2,580 29
AcquaintanceTable 11 Note 7 35 9 74 17 109 13 243 9 1,279 21 1,522 17
Stranger 48 13 88 20 136 17 180 7 1,274 21 1,454 16
Other 0 0 3 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 3 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 2 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 21 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 23 Note 0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded
Unknown 2 Note ...: not applicable 10 Note ...: not applicable 12 Note ...: not applicable 22 Note ...: not applicable 141 Note ...: not applicable 164 Note ...: not applicable
Solved homicide totalTable 11 Note 8 376 100 456 100 833 100 2,753 100 6,262 100 9,019 100
Unsolved homicide totalTable 11 Note 9 24 Note ...: not applicable 87 Note ...: not applicable 111 Note ...: not applicable 332 Note ...: not applicable 2,361 Note ...: not applicable 2,698 Note ...: not applicable
Homicide totalTable 11 Note 10 400 100 543 100 944 100 3,085 100 8,623 100 11,717 100
Incident location
Residential locationTable 11 Note 11 359 90 433 80 793 84 2,402 78 4,493 52 6,900 59
Open areaTable 11 Note 12 22 6 67 12 89 9 440 14 2,815 33 3,257 28
OtherTable 11 Note 13 19 5 43 8 62 7 243 8 1,315 15 1,560 13
TotalTable 11 Note 10 400 100 543 100 944 100 3,085 100 8,623 100 11,717 100
Primary method used to cause death
Shooting 72 19 79 15 151 16 619 21 3,307 39 3,929 34
Stabbing 94 24 176 33 270 29 939 32 2,797 33 3,737 33
Beating or blows 124 32 209 39 333 36 558 19 1,639 19 2,198 19
Strangulation, suffocation, drowning 56 14 32 6 88 10 560 19 286 3 847 7
OtherTable 11 Note 14 43 11 40 7 83 9 242 8 443 5 685 6
Unknown 11 Note ...: not applicable 7 Note ...: not applicable 19 Note ...: not applicable 167 Note ...: not applicable 151 Note ...: not applicable 321 Note ...: not applicable
TotalTable 11 Note 10 400 100 543 100 944 100 3,085 100 8,623 100 11,717 100
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