Table 6
Physical and sexual assault committed by intimate partners and non-intimate partners since age 15, by region and Indigenous identity, 2018

Table 6
Physical and sexual assault committed by intimate partners and non-intimate partners since age 15, by region and Indigenous identity, 2018
Table summary
This table displays the results of Physical and sexual assault committed by intimate partners and non-intimate partners since age 15. The information is grouped by Province or Region (appearing as row headers), Physical and sexual assault committed by intimate partners, Physical and sexual assault committed by non-intimate partners, Total physical and sexual assault , Indigenous Women, Non-Indigenous Women, percent and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province or region Physical and sexual assault committed by intimate partnersTable 6 Note 1 Physical and sexual assault committed by non-intimate partners Total physical and sexual assault
Indigenous women Non-Indigenous womenTable 6 Note  Indigenous women Non-Indigenous womenTable 6 Note  Indigenous women Non-Indigenous womenTable 6 Note 
percentTable 6 Note 1 95% confidence interval percentTable 6 Note 1 95% confidence interval percent 95% confidence interval percent 95% confidence interval percent 95% confidence interval percent 95% confidence interval
from to from to from to from to from to from to
AtlanticTable 6 Note 2 44.2Note * 35.2 53.6 27.3 25.6 29.1 53.1Note * 44.1 62.0 38.0 36.2 39.9 64.2Note * 55.1 72.4 44.9 43.0 46.8
Quebec 31.3Note * 18.9 47.2 21.4 19.8 23.1 51.7Note * 35.6 67.4 31.4 29.5 33.3 56.9Note * 40.3 72.0 38.5 36.5 40.4
Ontario 46.3Note * 33.6 59.4 24.1 22.4 26.0 58.5Note * 45.4 70.6 38.7 36.6 40.8 67.2Note * 54.1 78.1 45.0 42.9 47.1
PrairiesTable 6 Note 3 47.3Note * 40.0 54.7 28.1 26.5 29.8 54.3Note * 47.5 61.0 41.7 39.9 43.5 61.3Note * 54.6 67.6 48.0 46.2 49.9
British Columbia 42.1Note * 30.1 55.0 29.1 26.9 31.4 57.5Note * 44.6 69.4 41.7 46.4 1.2 65.3Note * 51.7 76.8 49.7 47.4 52.1
TerritoriesTable 6 Note 4 52.6Note * 46.9 58.2 34.1 30.4 37.9 48.0Note * 42.1 53.8 56.2 52.2 60.2 61.8Note * 55.9 67.4 61.3 57.2 65.1
Canada 43.7Note * 38.8 48.7 25.1 24.2 26.0 54.9Note * 50.1 59.6 38.2 37.2 39.2 62.7Note * 57.9 67.3 44.7 43.6 45.7
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