Table 9
Admissions of youth to correctional services, by characteristics of the person admitted and type of supervision program, selected jurisdictions, 2018/2019

Table 9
Admissions of youth to correctional services, by characteristics of the person admitted and type of supervision program, selected jurisdictions, 2018/2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Admissions of youth to correctional services. The information is grouped by Selected characteristics (appearing as row headers), Total custody, Total community supervision and Total correctional services, calculated using number and percent of total units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Selected characteristics Total custodyTable 9 Note 1 Total community supervisionTable 9 Note 2 Total correctional services
number percent of totalTable 9 Note 3 number percent of totalTable 9 Note 3 number percent of totalTable 9 Note 3
12 years 54 1 87 1 141 1
13 years 188 3 352 4 540 4
14 years 622 10 779 9 1,401 10
15 years 1,112 18 1,307 15 2,419 17
16 years 1,549 25 1,732 21 3,281 23
17 years 2,058 34 2,344 28 4,402 30
18 years and older 559 9 1,833 22 2,392 16
Unknown age 0 0 2 0 2 0
Male 4,822 79 6,457 77 11,279 77
Female 1,304 21 1,943 23 3,247 22
Unknown sex 16 0 36 0 52 0
Indigenous identity
Indigenous 2,880 47 3,378 40 6,258 43
Non-Indigenous 3,211 52 4,747 56 7,958 55
Unknown 51 1 311 4 362 2
Total–All jurisdictionsTable 9 Note 4 6,142 100 8,436 100 14,578 100
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