Table 1
Canadians' confidence in police, by selected characteristics, provinces, 2019

Table 1
Canadians' confidence in police, by selected characteristics, provinces, 2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadians' confidence in police. The information is grouped by Selected characteristics (appearing as row headers), A great deal of confidence, Some confidence, Not very much or no confidence, Odds ratio (of reporting low confidence), percent and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Selected characteristics A great deal of confidence Some confidence Not very much or no confidence Odds ratio (of reporting low confidence)Table 1 Note 1
percent 95% confidence interval percent 95% confidence interval percent 95% confidence interval
from to from to from to
Total population 41 40 42 49 48 50 9 9 10 Note ...: not applicable
Age group (years)
15 to 24 36 31 40 53 49 57 11 9 14 Reference category
25 to 34 32 29 35 54 51 57 14 12 16 1.3
35 to 44 40 37 43 48Note * 45 51 12 10 14 1.1
45 to 54 42Note * 39 44 49 46 52 9 7 10 0.8
55 to 64 45Note * 43 47 48Note * 45 50 7Note * 6 8 0.7
65 to 74 48Note * 45 50 45Note * 43 48 6Note * 5 7 0.7Note *
75 and older 53Note * 50 56 43Note * 40 46 4Note * 3 5 0.4Note ***
GenderTable 1 Note 2
Male 41 39 42 49 47 50 10 9 11 Reference category
Female 42 40 43 49 48 51 9Note * 8 9 n.s.
Non-binary Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable
Male 41 39 42 49 47 50 10 9 11 Reference category
Female 42 40 43 49 48 51 9Note * 8 10 n.s.
Marital status
Married 45 44 47 47 45 48 8 7 8 Reference category
Common-law 36Note * 33 39 54Note * 51 57 10Note * 8 12 n.s.
Widowed 48 45 52 44 41 48 6 4 9 n.s.
Separated 38Note * 32 43 48 42 54 14Note * 10 18 n.s.
Divorced 42 39 46 48 44 51 10 8 12 n.s.
Single, never married 35Note * 32 37 53Note * 50 55 13Note * 11 15 n.s.
Indigenous identity
Non-Indigenous person 42 40 43 49 48 50 9 9 10 Reference category
Indigenous person 30Note * 25 36 53 47 59 16Note * 12 21 1.9Note ***
First Nations 27Note * 20 35 55 46 64 18Note * 12 25 Note ...: not applicable
Métis 32Note * 25 40 52 44 61 15 9 22 Note ...: not applicable
Inuit Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable
Visible minority status
Non-visible minorityTable 1 Note 3 44 43 45 48 46 49 8 7 9 Reference category
Visible minority 35Note * 32 37 52Note * 49 55 13Note * 11 15 1.5Note ***
South Asian 44 38 50 43 37 49 13Note * 9 18 Note ...: not applicable
Chinese 26Note * 22 31 59Note * 54 64 14Note * 11 19 Note ...: not applicable
Black 38 30 48 43 34 52 18Note * 11 27 Note ...: not applicable
Filipino 39 31 47 55 47 63 5 3 10 Note ...: not applicable
Arab 37 26 51 43 30 57 20 9 37 Note ...: not applicable
Latin American 35 26 45 47 35 59 17Note * 10 28 Note ...: not applicable
Southeast Asian 25Note * 15 38 64Note * 50 76 11 5 23 Note ...: not applicable
OtherTable 1 Note 4 33Note * 28 39 56Note * 50 62 11 7 16 Note ...: not applicable
Immigrant status
Non-immigrant 41 40 43 49 48 50 9 8 10 Reference category
Immigrant 41 38 43 48 46 51 11 9 12 n.s.
Recent immigrant 46 41 52 44 39 49 9 6 13 Note ...: not applicable
Established immigrant (immigrated before 2010) 39 37 42 49 47 52 11 9 13 Note ...: not applicable
Non-permanent residents 39 27 51 52 39 64 8 4 17 n.s.
No religion 34 32 36 53 51 55 13 12 15 Reference category
Christian religion 46Note * 44 47 47Note * 46 49 7Note * 6 8 0.6Note ***
Non-Christian religion 41Note * 36 45 47Note * 43 51 12 10 16 0.8
Person without disability 43 42 45 48 46 49 8 8 9 Reference category
Person with disability 37Note * 35 38 52Note * 50 54 11Note * 10 12 Note ...: not applicable
Physical disability 38Note * 36 40 51Note * 49 53 11Note * 9 12 1.3Note *
Mental/cognitive disability 33Note * 30 36 53Note * 50 56 14Note * 12 16 1.5Note *
Sexual orientation
Heterosexual 42 40 43 49 48 50 9 8 10 Reference category
Lesbian or gay 31Note * 24 40 54 45 62 15 8 25 n.s.
Bisexual 25Note * 17 34 60Note * 50 70 14 8 22 n.s.
Sexual orientation n.e.c.Table 1 Note 5 30 14 52 47 31 64 23Note * 13 37 n.s.
Highest level of education
No high school diploma 45 41 48 46 42 49 9 7 12 Reference category
High school diploma 39Note * 37 42 50 47 52 10 9 12 n.s.
College or trade diploma 40Note * 38 42 49 47 51 10 9 12 n.s.
University diploma or higher 42 40 44 49 48 51 8 7 9 n.s.
Main activity
Employed 39 37 40 51 49 52 10 10 11 Reference category
Looking for paid work 35 22 52 52 36 67 Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published n.s.
Going to school 44 37 52 48 40 55 8 5 12 n.s.
Retired 50Note * 48 52 45Note * 43 47 5Note * 4 6 n.s.
At homeTable 1 Note 6 41 37 46 46 41 51 13 9 17 n.s.
Other 47 39 56 43 35 52 9 5 14 n.s.
Contact with police
Did not have contact in the past 12 months 42 40 43 49 48 51 8 8 9 Reference category
Had contact in the past 12 months 40 38 42 48 46 50 11Note * 10 13 Note ...: not applicable
Positive contact 44Note * 42 46 48 46 51 7Note * 6 8 0.7Note *
Negative contact 10Note * 8 14 47 41 53 42Note * 37 48 6.5Note ***
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