Table 13
Cisgender and transgender Canadians' mental health indicators, by indicator, Canada, 2018

Table 13
Cisgender and transgender Canadians' mental health indicators, by indicator, Canada, 2018
Table summary
This table displays the results of Cisgender and transgender Canadians' mental health indicators. The information is grouped by Indicator (appearing as row headers), Cisgender, Transgender, percent and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Indicator CisgenderTable 13 Note  Table 13 Note 1 TransgenderTable 13 Note 2
percentTable 13 Note 3 95% confidence interval percentTable 13 Note 3 95% confidence interval
from to from to
Self-rated mental health
Positive (excellent, very good, good) 88.1 87.6 88.6 34.1Note * 17.0 54.9
Negative (fair, poor) 11.3 10.8 11.9 65.4Note * 44.6 82.7
Ever seriously contemplated suicide 15.6 15.1 16.2 44.8Note * 25.7 65.2
Diagnosed mood or anxiety disorder 17.1 16.6 17.7 61.1Note * 40.6 79.1
Mood disorder 10.2 9.7 10.7 39.9Note * 21.5 60.6
Anxiety disorder 13.1 12.6 13.7 57.0Note * 36.5 75.8
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