Table 4
Admissions to adult custody, by Aboriginal identity, jurisdiction, 2007/2008 and 2017/2018

Table 4
Admissions to adult custody, by Aboriginal identity, jurisdiction, 2007/2008 and 2017/2018
Table summary
This table displays the results of Admissions to adult custody. The information is grouped by Jurisdiction (appearing as row headers), 2017/2018, 2007/2008, Aboriginal, Non-Aboriginal and Unknown Aboriginal identity, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Jurisdiction 2017/2018 2007/2008
Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal Unknown Aboriginal identity Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal Unknown Aboriginal identity
number percent number percent number percent number percent number percent number percent
Newfoundland and LabradorTable 4 Note 1 405 21 1,526 79 0 0 348 21 1,329 79 0 0
Prince Edward Island 32 5 641 94 7 1 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 970 100
Nova Scotia 266 6 4,306 89 240 5 450 8 5,105 91 58 1
New Brunswick 553 10 4,933 90 4 0 445 8 4,872 92 7 0
Quebec 2,308 5 43,072 95 0 0 1,255 3 39,042 96 511 1
OntarioTable 4 Note 1 8,456 12 60,734 88 0 0 9,699 9 94,885 91 0 0
Manitoba 22,280 75 7,511 25 0 0 12,835 65 6,931 35 0 0
Saskatchewan 9,902 74 3,052 23 350 3 7,525 78 1,887 20 232 2
Alberta 17,614 41 24,268 57 611 1 14,398 36 25,258 64 0 0
British Columbia 8,420 32 17,471 67 85 0 4,819 20 19,097 78 524 2
Yukon 296 62 180 38 0 0 500 76 154 24 0 0
Northwest Territories 920 86 131 12 22 2 747 86 118 14 7 1
Nunavut 940 96 0 0 42 4 712 96 0 0 31 4
Total—Provinces and territories 72,392 30 167,825 69 1,361 1 53,733 21 198,678 78 2,340 1
Federal 2,109 29 5,236 71 0 0 1,740 20 6,826 80 0 0
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