Table 6
Incidents of police-reported intimate partner violence in Canada, by sex of accused, clearance status, and same-/opposite-sex status, 2009 to 2017

Table 6
Incidents of police-reported intimate partner violence in Canada, by sex of accused, clearance status, and same-/opposite-sex status, 2009 to 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Incidents of police-reported intimate partner violence in Canada. The information is grouped by Clearance status (appearing as row headers), Same-sex, Opposite-sex, Females and Males, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Clearance status Same-sex Opposite-sex
Females Males Females Males
number percent number percent number percent number percent
Cleared by charge 6,077 61 8,345 68 79,644 71 436,097 84
Cleared otherwise 3,898 39 4,003 32 32,091 29 81,329 16
Victim/complainant requests no further actionTable 6 Note 1 2,110 21 2,307 19 13,574 12 36,733 7
Reasons beyond the control of department 592 6 814 7 10,022 9 23,326 5
Departmental discretion 1,035 10 737 6 7,731 7 18,021 3
OtherTable 6 Note 2 161 2 145 1 764 1 3,249 1
Total 9,975 100 12,348 100 111,735 100 517,426 100
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