Table 12
Admissions of youth to correctional services, by characteristics of the person admitted and type of supervision program, selected jurisdictions, 2016/2017

Table 12
Admissions of youth to correctional services, by characteristics of the person admitted and type of supervision program, selected jurisdictions, 2016/2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Admissions of youth to correctional services. The information is grouped by Selected characteristics (appearing as row headers), Total custody, Total community supervision and Total correctional services, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Selected characteristics Total custodyTable 12 Note 1 Total community supervisionTable 12 Note 2 Total correctional services
number percentTable 12 Note 3 number percentTable 12 Note 3 number percentTable 12 Note 3
Male 6,706 76 7,745 76 14,451 76
Female 2,151 24 2,445 24 4,596 24
12 years 63 1 72 1 135 1
13 years 312 4 344 3 656 3
14 years 875 10 887 9 1,762 9
15 years 1,696 19 1,611 16 3,307 17
16 years 2,350 27 2,317 23 4,667 24
17 years 2,914 33 2,871 28 5,785 30
18 years and older 647 7 2,110 21 2,757 14
Aboriginal identity
Aboriginal 4,306 50 3,956 42 8,262 46
Non-Aboriginal 4,247 50 5,358 58 9,605 54
Total—all jurisdictionsTable 12 Note 4 8,857 100 10,212 100 19,069 100
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