Fact sheet

Victims of police-reported violent crime in Quebec, 2016

Victim services in Quebec

The Ministry of Justice’s Crime Victims Assistance Office, also known as the Bureau d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels (BAVAC), in Quebec, provides financial support to Crime Victim Assistance Centres (CAVAC). These centres assist victims of crime throughout their involvement in the criminal justice system, including assistance with Victim Impact Statements and referring victims to specialized services. Other specialized community-based victim services are also available to support domestic violence victims, victims of sexual assault and families of murdered or missing persons. Some of these services are funded by the Ministry of Health and Social Services. In addition, some police services also work with their local CAVAC offices to provide direct services to victims.

The information provided below reflects only data reported by the Crime Victim Assistance Centres (CAVAC).Note 

Note: Percentages have been calculated excluding unknowns. Percentages may not add up to totals due to rounding. Not all percentages presented in the text are provided in the tables. No tables are provided for the Canadian Victim Services Indicators (CVSI) data.

Detailed data tables

Table 6.1
Victims of police-reported violent crime and traffic violations causing death or bodily harm, by type of offence and age group of victim, Québec, 2016
Table summary
This table displays the results of Victims of police-reported violent crime and traffic violations causing death or bodily harm. The information is grouped by Type of offence (appearing as row headers), Age group, Total victims, Child victims
under 12 years, Youth victims, Adult victims, 12 to 15 years, 16 to 17 years, 18 to 24 years and 25 years and older, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of offence Age group Total victimsTable 6.1 Note 1
Child victims
under 12 years
Youth victims Adult victims
12 to 15 years 16 to 17 years 18 to 24 years 25 years and older
number percentTable 6.1 Note 1 number percentTable 6.1 Note 1 number percentTable 6.1 Note 1 number percentTable 6.1 Note 1 number percentTable 6.1 Note 1 number percentTable 6.1 Note 1
Violent Criminal Code offences
Violations causing death and attempted murder 8 3 3 1 9 3 54 20 200 73 278 100
Homicide and other offences causing deathTable 6.1 Note 2 4 4 1 1 2 2 10 11 72 81 89 100
Attempted murder 4 2 2 1 7 4 44 24 128 69 189 100
Sexual offences 1,363 24 1,661 29 517 9 855 15 1,289 23 5,780 100
Sexual assault 633 16 777 19 431 11 855 21 1,289 32 4,006 100
Sexual assault (level 3)—aggravated 1 6 1 6 1 6 5 29 9 53 17 100
Sexual assault (level 2)—weapon or causing bodily harm 14 18 14 18 13 17 13 17 22 29 76 100
Sexual assault (level 1) 618 16 762 20 417 11 837 22 1,258 32 3,913 100
Sexual violations against childrenTable 6.1 Note 3 730 43 884 52 86 5 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 1,774 100
Assaults 2,138 5 2,293 6 1,499 4 7,607 18 27,662 67 42,157 100
Assault (level 3)—aggravated 17 7 5 2 4 2 47 20 167 70 245 100
Assault (level 2)—weapon or causing bodily harm 476 5 465 5 329 4 1,932 21 6,015 65 9,274 100
Assault (level 1) 1,594 5 1,804 6 1,148 4 5,429 18 19,608 66 29,710 100
OtherTable 6.1 Note 4 51 2 19 1 18 1 199 9 1,872 87 2,928 100
Other violent offences 779 3 1,762 7 1,208 5 4,686 18 18,338 68 27,305 100
Robbery 19 1 284 8 219 6 1,001 28 2,041 57 3,580 100
Criminal harassment 37 1 216 4 200 4 790 16 3,632 75 4,897 100
Indecent/harassing communications 2 0 11 2 10 2 58 12 409 83 495 100
Uttering threats 422 3 853 6 517 4 2,003 15 9,680 72 13,817 100
Kidnapping, forcible confinement, abduction or hostage taking 180 12 65 4 66 4 384 25 826 54 1,528 100
Trafficking in persons and prostitution 1 1 4 5 27 32 33 39 19 23 92 100
OtherTable 6.1 Note 5 118 4 329 12 169 6 417 15 1,731 63 2,896 100
Criminal Code traffic violations causing death or bodily harmTable 6.1 Note 6
Impaired driving and other traffic violations causing deathTable 6.1 Note 6 0 0 0 0 1 3 6 15 33 83 40 100
Impaired driving and other traffic violations causing bodily harmTable 6.1 Note 6 37 3 57 4 67 5 288 22 856 66 1,311 100
Total victims 4,325 6 5,776 8 3,301 4 13,496 18 48,378 64 76,871 100
Table 6.2
Victims of police-reported violent crime and traffic violations causing death or bodily harm, by type of offence and sex of victim, Québec, 2016
Table summary
This table displays the results of Victims of police-reported violent crime and traffic violations causing death or bodily harm. The information is grouped by Type of offence (appearing as row headers), Female victims, Male victims and Total victims, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of offence Female victims Male victims Total victimsTable 6.2 Note 1
number percentTable 6.2 Note 1 number percentTable 6.2 Note 1 number percentTable 6.2 Note 1
Violent Criminal Code offences
Violations causing death and attempted murder 91 33 187 67 278 100
Homicide and other offences causing deathTable 6.2 Note 2 27 30 62 70 89 100
Attempted murder 64 34 125 66 189 100
Sexual offences 4,897 85 883 15 5,780 100
Sexual assault 3,492 87 514 13 4,006 100
Sexual assault (level 3)—aggravated 13 76 4 24 17 100
Sexual assault (level 2)—weapon or causing bodily harm 64 84 12 16 76 100
Sexual assault (level 1) 3,415 87 498 13 3,913 100
Sexual violations against childrenTable 6.2 Note 3 1,405 79 369 21 1,774 100
Assaults 19,696 47 22,460 53 42,157 100
Assault (level 3)—aggravated 73 30 172 70 245 100
Assault (level 2)—weapon or causing bodily harm 3,449 37 5,825 63 9,274 100
Assault (level 1) 15,479 52 14,230 48 29,710 100
OtherTable 6.2 Note 4 695 24 2,233 76 2,928 100
Other violent offences 13,688 50 13,617 50 27,305 100
Robbery 1,094 31 2,486 69 3,580 100
Criminal harassment 3,606 74 1,291 26 4,897 100
Indecent/harassing communications 363 73 132 27 495 100
Uttering threats 6,086 44 7,731 56 13,817 100
Kidnapping, forcible confinement, abduction or hostage taking 1,175 77 353 23 1,528 100
Trafficking in persons and prostitution 86 93 6 7 92 100
OtherTable 6.2 Note 5 1,278 44 1,618 56 2,896 100
Criminal Code traffic violations causing death or bodily harmTable 6.2 Note 6
Impaired driving and other traffic violations causing deathTable 6.2 Note 6 13 33 27 68 40 100
Impaired driving and other traffic violations causing bodily harmTable 6.2 Note 6 594 45 717 55 1,311 100
Total victims 38,979 51 37,891 49 76,871 100
Table 6.3
Victims of police-reported violent crime and traffic violations causing death or bodily harm, by type of offence and sex and age group of victim, Québec, 2016
Table summary
This table displays the results of Victims of police-reported violent crime and traffic violations causing death or bodily harm. The information is grouped by Type of offence (appearing as row headers), Age group, Total victims, Child victims
under 12 years, Youth victims
12 to 17 years and Adult victims
18 years and older, calculated using Number, rate and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of offence Age group Total victimsTable 6.3 Note 1
Child victims
under 12 years
Youth victims
12 to 17 years
Adult victims
18 years and older
number rate percentTable 6.3 Note 1 number rate percentTable 6.3 Note 1 number rate percentTable 6.3 Note 1 number rate percentTable 6.3 Note 1
Female victims
Violations causing death and attempted murderTable 6.3 Note 2 2 0 2 3 1 3 86 3 95 91 2 100
Sexual offences 947 185 20 1,898 821 39 1,981 59 41 4,897 118 100
Sexual assault (level 1, 2 and 3) 419 82 12 1,074 464 31 1,981 59 57 3,492 84 100
Sexual violations against childrenTable 6.3 Note 3 528 103 39 824 356 61 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 1,405 34 100
AssaultsTable 6.3 Note 4 800 156 4 1,656 716 9 16,998 504 87 19,696 473 100
Other violent offencesTable 6.3 Note 5 384 75 3 1,494 646 11 11,635 345 86 13,688 329 100
Criminal Code traffic violations causing death or bodily harmTable 6.3 Note 6 19 4 3 45 19 7 543 16 89 607 15 100
Total female victims 2,152 420 6 5,096 2,203 13 31,243 927 81 38,979 936 100
Male victims
Violations causing death and attempted murderTable 6.3 Note 2 6 1 3 9 4 5 168 5 92 187 5 100
Sexual offences 416 78 48 280 115 33 163 5 19 883 21 100
Sexual assault (level 1, 2 and 3) 214 40 42 134 55 26 163 5 32 514 12 100
Sexual violations against childrenTable 6.3 Note 3 202 38 58 146 60 42 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 369 9 100
AssaultsTable 6.3 Note 4 1,338 250 6 2,136 878 10 18,271 551 84 22,460 546 100
Other violent offencesTable 6.3 Note 5 395 74 3 1,476 607 11 11,389 343 86 13,617 331 100
Criminal Code traffic violations causing death or bodily harmTable 6.3 Note 6 18 3 2 80 33 11 640 19 87 744 18 100
Total male victims 2,173 406 6 3,981 1,636 11 30,631 923 83 37,891 920 100
Total victimsTable 6.3 Note 7 4,325 413 6 9,077 1,912 12 61,874 925 82 76,871 928 100
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