Table 1
Reasons for not reporting incident(s) to the police, by perception of hate motivation, Canada, 2014

Table 1
Reasons for not reporting incident(s) to the police, by perception of hate motivation, Canada, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Reasons for not reporting incident(s) to the police. The information is grouped by Reason for not reporting incident(s) to the police (appearing as row headers), Hate crime and Not a hate crime, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Reason for not reporting incident(s) to the police Hate crimeTable 1 Note 1 Not a hate crimeTable 1 Note 
Fear of revenge by the offender 28Note E: Use with caution Note * 7
Police wouldn’t have found property/offender 46 51
Lack of evidence 54 52
Police wouldn't have considered the incident important enough 64 58
Police would not have been effective 53Note * 33
Unsatisfactory service (from police) in the past 29Note E: Use with caution Note * 16
Tried to report but could not get through Note F: too unreliable to be published 1Note E: Use with caution
Could have caused victim trouble with the law Note F: too unreliable to be published 3Note E: Use with caution
Did not want to get the offender in trouble 15Note E: Use with caution 13
Did not want the hassle of dealing with the police 46 37
Reporting to the police would bring shame and dishonour to the family Note F: too unreliable to be published 3Note E: Use with caution
Family prevented victim from contacting the police Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published
Incident was a private or personal matter and was handled informally 53 43
Didn’t want others to know 19Note E: Use with caution Note * 8
Crime was minor and not worth taking the time to report 62Note * 79
No one was harmed/no financial loss 50 49
No harm was intended 16Note E: Use with caution Note * 36
Offender would not be convicted or adequately punished 58Note * 37
Feared or did not want the hassle of dealing with the court process 40Note * 25
Police would be biased 21Note E: Use with caution Note * 6
Insurance wouldn’t cover it Note F: too unreliable to be published 12
Did not need a police report to file claim Note F: too unreliable to be published 6
Nothing was taken/all items were recovered Note F: too unreliable to be published 8
Reported to another official Note F: too unreliable to be published 10
Other Note F: too unreliable to be published 7
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