Table 2
Violent victimization incidents reported by immigrants and non-immigrants, by selected victim characteristics, Canada, 2014

Table 2
Violent victimization incidents reported by immigrants and non-immigrants, by selected victim characteristics, Canada, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Violent victimization incidents reported by immigrants and non-immigrants. The information is grouped by Selected victim characteristics (appearing as row headers), Immigrants and Non-immigrants, calculated using number (000's) and rate units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Selected victim characteristics Immigrants Non-immigrantsTable 2 Note 
number (000's) rate number (000's) rate
Total 233 39Note ** 1,926 86
MaleTable 2 Note  113Note E: Use with caution 38Note E: Use with caution Note ** 831 75
Female 121Note E: Use with caution 40Note E: Use with caution Note ** 1,096 97Note *
Age group (years)
15 to 24Table 2 Note  49Note E: Use with caution 97Note E: Use with caution Note ** 657 170
25 to 34 58Note E: Use with caution 60Note E: Use with caution Note ** 492 132
35 to 44 32Note E: Use with caution 28Note E: Use with caution Note *Note ** 283 85Note *
45 to 54 Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published 272 72Note *
55 to 64 7Note E: Use with caution 8Note E: Use with caution Note *Note ** 170 46Note *
65 and older Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published 52Note E: Use with caution 13Note E: Use with caution Note *
Marital status
Married or common-law 104Note E: Use with caution 25Note E: Use with caution Note *Note ** 753 57Note *
Separated, widowed or divorced Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published 173 66Note *
Single, never marriedTable 2 Note  76Note E: Use with caution 65Note E: Use with caution Note ** 1,000 151
Visible minority status
Visible minorityTable 2 Note 1 97Note E: Use with caution 28Note E: Use with caution Note ** 158Note E: Use with caution 143Note E: Use with caution
Non-visible minorityTable 2 Note  129Note E: Use with caution 52Note E: Use with caution Note ** 1,760 83
Sexual orientationTable 2 Note 2
HeterosexualTable 2 Note  202Note E: Use with caution 36Note E: Use with caution Note ** 1,594 78
Homosexual or bisexual 14Note E: Use with caution 116Note E: Use with caution Note *Note ** 135 231Note *
Census metropolitan area (CMA)/census agglomeration (CA)Table 2 Note 3 Table 2 Note 4
CMA/CATable 2 Note  224 39Note ** 1,560 86
Non-CMA/CA Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published 366 84
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