Model 1 and Model 2
Logistic regression: Risk of violent victimization for women with a disability and men with a disability, by selected characteristics, 2014

Model 1 and Model 2
Logistic regression: risk of violent victimization for women with a disability and men with a disability, by selected characteristics, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Logistic regression: Risk of violent victimization for women with a disability and men with a disability. The information is grouped by Independent variables (appearing as row headers), Model 1: Women with a disability and Model 2: Men with a disability, calculated using odds ratio units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Independent variables Model 1: Women with a disability Model 2: Men with a disability
odds ratio
Age group (years)
18 to 24 Reference category Reference category
25 to 34 n.s. n.s.
35 to 44 0.43Note ** n.s.
45 to 54 0.34Note *** n.s.
55 to 64 0.22Note *** 0.19Note ***
65 to 74 0.10Note *** 0.14Note ***
75 and older 0.02Note *** 0.09Note ***
Marital status
Married or common-law Reference category Reference category
Separated, widowed, divorced 1.76Note * 2.57Note *
Single n.s. n.s.
Sexual orientation
Heterosexual Reference category n.s.
Homosexual or bisexual 2.29Note ** n.s.
Experienced physical abuse before the age of 15
Yes n.s. 2.72Note ***
No n.s. Reference category
Experienced sexual abuse before the age of 15
Yes 1.83Note ** 3.45Note ***
No Reference category Reference category
Ever been homeless
Yes 2.08Note *** n.s.
No Reference category n.s.
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