Table 3.4
Victims of police-reported intimate partner violence, by type of intimate partner relationship and type of weapon present, Canada, 2015

Table 3.4
Victims of police-reported intimate partner violence, by type of intimate partner relationship and type of weapon present, Canada, 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of Victims of police-reported intimate partner violence. The information is grouped by Type of weapon present (appearing as row headers), Victims of spousal violence, Victims of dating violence and Total victims of intimate partner violence, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of weapon present Victims of spousal violenceTable 3.4 Note 1 Victims of dating violenceTable 3.4 Note 2 Total victims of intimate partner violenceTable 3.4 Note 3
number percent number percent number percent
Threats (no weapon)Table 3.4 Note 4 5,071 14 7,570 15 12,641 15
Physical force 26,431 72 35,258 71 61,689 71
Weapon 5,272 14 6,696 14 11,968 14
Firearm 282 0.8 348 0.7 630 0.7
Knife or other piercing instrumentTable 3.4 Note 5 1,648 4 2,072 4 3,720 4
Club or other blunt instrument 786 2 816 2 1,602 2
Other weaponTable 3.4 Note 6 2,556 7 3,460 7 6,016 7
Unknown 3,730 Note ...: not applicable 1,815 Note ...: not applicable 5,545 Note ...: not applicable
Total 40,504 100 51,339 100 91,843 100
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