Table 5
Median amount or length of sentences imposed on adults convicted of a prostitution offence, by number of charges in a case, Canada, 2008/2009 to 2013/2014

Table 5
Median amount or length of sentences imposed on adults convicted of a prostitution offence, by number of charges in a case, Canada, 2008/2009 to 2013/2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Median amount or length of sentences imposed on adults convicted of a prostitution offence. The information is grouped by Most serious sentence imposed (appearing as row headers), All cases, Single charge cases and Multiple-charge cases, calculated using median amount in dollars and median length in days units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Most serious sentence imposed All cases Single charge cases Multiple-charge cases
median amount in dollars
Fine 250 250 250
  median length in days
Probation 365 365 365
Custody 15 1 97.5
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