Fact sheet
Community of Cape Breton (CA), Nova Scotia

In 2014, information on the emergency preparedness of people living in the Census AgglomerationNote 1 of Cape Breton was collected through the Survey of Emergency Preparedness and Resilience in Canada (SEPR).Note 2 This fact sheet presents information on the risk awareness and level of emergency preparedness of the residents of Cape Breton, which could help improve the understanding of community resilience in the event of an emergency.Note 3Note 4

Risk awareness and anticipated sources of help in an emergency or disaster

Prior lifetime experience with a major emergency or disasterNote 5

Emergency planning, precautionary and fire safety behaviours

Social networks and sense of belonging

Data tables

Table 1.1
Most commonly anticipated sources of initial help and information, by type of emergency or disaster, residents of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Most commonly anticipated sources of initial help and information. The information is grouped by Most common sources of initial help and information by type of emergency or disaster (appearing as row headers), percent (appearing as column headers).
Most common sources of initial help and information by type of emergency or disaster percent
Weather-related emergency or natural disaster  
News- Radio 32
News- Television 21
News- Internet 18
Extended power outages  
Utility company 56
News- Radio 18
Family 10Note E: Use with caution
Outbreak of serious or life-threatening disease  
Hospital, clinic, doctor or other medical professional 48
News- Television 17Note E: Use with caution
News- Radio 17Note E: Use with caution
Industrial or transportation accidentTable 1.1, Note 1  
News- Radio 23Note E: Use with caution
Police/law enforcement 19Note E: Use with caution
News- Television 15Note E: Use with caution
Contamination or shortage of water or foodTable 1.1, Note 1  
News- Television 16Note E: Use with caution
Local government 15Note E: Use with caution
News- Radio 13Note E: Use with caution
Act of terrorism or terrorist threat  
Police/law enforcement 37Note E: Use with caution
News- Television 24Note E: Use with caution
Rioting or civil unrest  
Police/law enforcement 44Note E: Use with caution
News- Radio 19Note E: Use with caution
Table 1.2
Number of emergency planning activities, fire safety and precautionary measures taken by residents, community of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Number of emergency planning activities. The information is grouped by Number of planning activities, fire safety and precautionary measures taken by residents (appearing as row headers), Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and Canada, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Number of planning activities, fire safety and precautionary measures taken by residents Cape Breton Nova Scotia Canada
Number of emergency planning activities  
None 11Note E: Use with caution 9 8
1 activity 19 18 17
2 activities 20 21 25
3 activities 31 28 27
4 activities 18 21 19
Number of precautionary measures  
None 6Note E: Use with cautionTable 1.2, Note ** 7 16
1 measure 18Table 1.2, Note ** 19 27
2 measures 35Table 1.2, Note *** 27 28
3 measures 28Table 1.2, Note ** 27 20
4 measures 12Note E: Use with cautionTable 1.2, Note *** 18 7
Number of fire safety measuresTable 1.2, Note 1  
None Note F: too unreliable to be published 1Note E: Use with caution 1
1 measure 24Table 1.2, Note *** 18 14
2 measures 43 42 38
3 measures 29Table 1.2, Note ** 35 42
Table 1.3
Planning activities, fire safety and precautionary measures residents engaged in, community of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Planning activities. The information is grouped by Residents whose households were involved in the following: (appearing as row headers), Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and Canada, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Residents whose households were involved in the following: Cape Breton Nova Scotia Canada
Emergency planning activities  
Emergency exit plan 64 67 60
Exit plan has been practised/reviewed in last 12 monthsTable 1.3, Note 1 47 44 46
Designated meeting place for household membersTable 1.3, Note 2 45Table 1.3, Note *** 37 33
Contact plan for household membersTable 1.3, Note 2 58 55 55
Household emergency supply kit 50 48 47
Vehicle emergency supply kitTable 1.3, Note 3 60 62 59
Extra copies of important documents 43Table 1.3, Note ** 48 53
List of emergency contact numbers 66 67 69
Plan for meeting special health needsTable 1.3, Note 4 74Table 1.3, Note ** 68 62
Precautionary measures  
Wind-up or battery-operated radio 73Table 1.3, Note ** 77 58
Alternate heat source 50Table 1.3, Note * 57 48
Back-up generator 34Table 1.3, Note ** 36 23
Alternate water source 63Table 1.3, Note *** 55 43
OtherTable 1.3, Note 5 23 28 21
Fire safety measures  
Working smoke detector 97 97 98
Working carbon monoxide detector 38Table 1.3, Note ** 43 60
Working fire extinguisher 64Table 1.3, Note * 71 66
Table 1.4
High or moderately high levels of emergency planning, fire safety and precautionary measures taken by residents, by social and political involvement, community of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of High or moderately high levels of emergency planning. The information is grouped by Social and political involvement (appearing as row headers), Percentage of residents who had high or moderately high levels of..., Planning activities, Precautionary measures and Fire safety measures, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Social and political involvement Percentage of residents who had high or moderately high levels of...
Planning activities Precautionary measures Fire safety measures
Engagement in political activitiesTable 1.4, Note 1  
YesTable 1.4, Note  51 40 30
No 24Note E: Use with cautionTable 1.4, Note * 36Note E: Use with caution Note F: too unreliable to be published
High level of civic engagementTable 1.4, Note 2  
YesTable 1.4, Note  54 46 34
No 34Table 1.4, Note * 25Note E: Use with cautionTable 1.4, Note * 19Note E: Use with cautionTable 1.4, Note *
High level of social supportTable 1.4, Note 3  
YesTable 1.4, Note  68 46 34Note E: Use with caution
No 43Table 1.4, Note * 40 28
Strong sense of belonging to communityTable 1.4, Note 4  
YesTable 1.4, Note  55 41 29
No 38Table 1.4, Note * 42 31Note E: Use with caution
High neighbourhood trustTable 1.4, Note 5  
YesTable 1.4, Note  49 47 29
No 51 37 30
High level of self-efficacyTable 1.4, Note 6  
YesTable 1.4, Note  55 43 32
No 43 39 25Note E: Use with caution


E use with caution

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