Table 11
Canadians' perception of crime and safety in their neighbourhood, by Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people, and sex, provinces and territories, 2014

Table 11
Canadians' perception of crime and safety in their neighbourhood, by Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people, and sex, provinces and territories, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadians' perception of crime and safety in their neighbourhood. The information is grouped by Selected perception (appearing as row headers), Aboriginal people, Non-Aboriginal people, Males and Females, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Selected perception Aboriginal peopleNote 1 Non-Aboriginal people
MalesNote  Females MalesNote  Females
Satisfaction with personal safety from crime  
Very satisfied or satisfied 89 80Note *** 91 85Note *
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5Note E: Use with caution 11Note * 6 10Note *
Dissatisfied or very dissatisfied 5Note E: Use with caution Note ** 8Note E: Use with caution Note ** 2 3Note *
Crime in neighbourhood compared with other areas in Canada  
Higher 7Note E: Use with caution 6Note E: Use with caution 4 4
About the same 18 22 19 20
Lower 73 70 74 74
Activity of crime in neighbourhood over the past five years  
Increased 16Note ** 16Note ** 10 12Note *
Decreased 12 9 11 8Note *
Remained the same 69Note ** 69 74 73
Feeling of safety when walking alone at night  
Very safe 66 32Note * 61 28Note *
Reasonably safe 24Note ** 33Note * 31 37Note *
Somewhat unsafe 3Note E: Use with caution 8Note E: Use with caution Note * 3 7Note *
Very unsafe Note F: too unreliable to be published 3Note E: Use with caution 1 2Note *
Does not walk alone 6Note E: Use with caution 24Note * 4 25Note *
Feeling of safety when alone in your home in the evening or at night  
Very worried about your safety from crime Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published 0Note E: Use with caution 1Note *
Somewhat worried about your safety from crime 6Note E: Use with caution 18Note * 5 15Note *
Not at all worried about your safety from crime 87 72Note *** 91 77Note *
Never alone 6Note E: Use with caution 9 4 8Note *
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