Table 3
Total mental or substance use disorder, past 12 months, by selected demographic characteristics, Canada, 2012

Table 3
Total mental or substance use disorder, past 12 months, by selected demographic characteristics, Canada, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Total mental or substance use disorder. The information is grouped by Demographic characteristics (appearing as row headers), Canadian population with a disorder, aged 15 and older, calculated using number (thousands) and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Demographic characteristics Canadian population with a disorder, aged 15 and older
number (thousands) percent
Age group  
15 to 24 yearsNote  806 18.5
25 to 44 years 1,033 11.4Note *
45 to 64 years 775 8.3Note *
65 years and older 150 3.2Note *
Annual household incomeNote 1  
$0 to $19,999† 387 17.4
$20,000 to $39,999 531 10.9Note *
$40,000 to $59,999 518 10.5Note *
$60,000 to $79,999 360 8.4Note *
$80,000 to $99,999 271 8.6Note *
$100,000 or more 697 8.8Note *
Main source of household income  
Employment 2,073 10.2Note *
Social benefitsNote  249 29.4
Senior benefits 253 5.9Note *
Other sources 119 11.1Note *
Highest level of education attained  
Less than secondary school 516 10.6Note *
Secondary school 486 11.2Note *
Some post-secondary schoolNote  295 15.1
Post-secondary school 1,454 9.0Note *
Aboriginal populationNote 2  
Aboriginal populationNote 3,Note  173 15.2
Non-Aboriginal population 2,192 11.2Note *
Marital status  
Married or common-law 1,127 6.9Note *
Separated, divorced or widowed 347 9.9Note *
Single, never marriedNote  1,286 17.3
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