Table 5 Operating expenditures of the adult correctional system by jurisdiction, 2013/2014
Table 5
Operating expenditures of the adult correctional system by jurisdiction, 2013/2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Operating expenditures of the adult correctional system by jurisdiction. The information is grouped by Jurisdiction (appearing as row headers), Administration and central services, Custody, Community supervision, National and Provincial Parole Board, Total , Change from 2012/2013, Average daily inmate cost in 2013/2014 and Per capita cost in 2013/2014 , calculated using thousand of dollars , percent and dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Due to rounding, the total could be slightly different from the sum of expenditures by sector. For federal expenditures, total includes unknown operating expenditures.
Excludes Alberta due to the unavailability of data for part of the period covered. The percent change is calculated in constant dollars according to the all-items Consumer Price Index for 2012 and 2013 (CANSIM table 326-0021).
Average daily inmate cost is derived based on the institutional operating costs (custody) and the actual-in count (which represents persons held in custody under sentence, remand or who are otherwise legally required to be in custody and who are present at the time the count is taken) provided via the Corrections Key Indicator Report for Adults.
Per capita cost is the total operating expenditures on correctional services, divided by the total population on July 1, 2013. Total operating expenditures exclude capital expenditures. Methods of calculating expenditures may differ from one jurisdiction to another. Costs may also vary according to number of offenders admitted and the length of sentences. Therefore, caution should be exercised when comparing per capita costs from one jurisdiction to another.
The average daily inmate costs for the provincial and territorial total and the Total - all jurisdictions excludes Alberta due to the unavailability of data.
Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) expenditures for 2013/2014 include CORCAN (a special operating agency of CSC). Comparisons to previous years should be made with caution.