Police-reported hate crime in Canada, 2011: Highlights

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  • There were 1,332 police-reported hate crime incidents in Canada in 2011, 5% fewer than the number reported in 2010. As a result, the hate crime rate declined from 4.1 to 3.9 incidents per 100,000 population.
  • About half (52%) of police-reported hate crimes in 2011 were motivated by race or ethnicity. Another 25% were related to religion and 18% to sexual orientation.
  • Mischief was the most commonly reported offence among police-reported hate crimes, making up half (50%) of all hate crime incidents. Overall, the majority of hate crimes involved non-violent offences.
  • The proportion of police-reported hate crimes involving violent offences, such as assault and uttering threats, grew from 34% in 2010 to 39% in 2011. Hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation (65%) or race/ethnicity (41%) were the most likely to involve violent offences.
  • The majority of police-reported hate crime incidents were concentrated in major cities. The ten largest cities accounted for 51% of the Canadian population, but reported 64% of total hate crimes. In 2011, the cities with the highest rates of police-reported hate crime were Peterborough and Hamilton.
  • In crimes motivated by hate, the accused were predominantly young and male. Among persons accused of hate crimes in 2011, 88% were male, and 60% were under age 25.
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