Table 1.8
Victims of police-reported violent crime by intimate partners, by type of offence and sex of victim, Canada, 2011

Table 1.8 Victims of police-reported violent crime by intimate partners, by type of offence and sex of victim, Canada, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of table 1.8 victims of police-reported violent crime by intimate partners. The information is grouped by type of offence (appearing as row headers), female victims, male victims and total, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of offence Female victims Male victims Total
number percent number percent number percent
Homicide and other violations causing death 81 0.1 13 0.1 94 0.1
Attempted murder 78 0.1 32 0.2 110 0.1
Sexual offencesNote 1 2,367 3 64 0 2,431 2
Physical assault 56,791 73 16,252 83 73,043 75
Major assault (levels 2 and 3)Note 2 8,751 11 3,913 20 12,664 13
Common assault (level 1)Note 3 47,142 60 12,102 62 59,244 61
Other assaultsNote 4 898 1 237 1 1,135 1
Firearms - use of, discharge, pointing 57 0 6 0 63 0
Criminal harassment 6,056 8 859 4 6,915 7
Indecent/harassing phone calls 2,399 3 756 4 3,155 3
Uttering threats 7,358 9 1,365 7 8,723 9
Robbery 248 0 53 0 301 0
Other violent offencesNote 5 2,508 3 108 1 2,616 3
Total offences 77,943 100 19,508 100 97,451 100
1. Includes sexual assault, classified as one of three levels according to the seriousness of the incidents. Level 1 sexual assault is the category of least physical injury to the victim; level 2 includes sexual assault with a weapon, threats to use a weapon, or causing bodily harm; and level 3 includes aggravated sexual assault which wounds, maims, disfigures, or endangers the life of the victim. Also includes other sexual crimes such as sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching, sexual exploitation, incest, corrupting children, luring a child via a computer, and voyeurism.
2. Level 2 assault is defined as assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm and level 3 assault is defined as assault that wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the victim.
3. Level 1 assault is the least serious form of assault and includes pushing, slapping, punching and face-to-face verbal threats.
4. Other assaults include unlawfully causing bodily harm, assault against peace-public officer, and other assaults.
5. Includes abduction, kidnapping, hostage-taking, arson and other violent violations.
Note: Intimate partner violence refers to violence committed by legally married, separated, divorced, common-law partners, dating partners (current and previous) and other intimate partners. The intimate partner category is based on victims aged 15 to 89. Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding. Excludes incidents where the sex and/or age of victim was unknown.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
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