Table 1.1
Victims of police-reported violence, by sex of victim and type of offence, Canada, 2011

Table 1.1 Victims of police-reported violence, by sex of victim and type of offence, Canada, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of table 1.1 victims of police-reported violence. The information is grouped by type of offence (appearing as row headers), female victims, male victims and total, calculated using number and rate units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of offence Female victims Male victims Total
number rateNote 1 number rateNote 1 number rateNote 1
Homicide and other violations causing death 186 1.3 443 3.2 629 2.2
Attempted murder 150 1 437 3 587 2
Sexual offences 14,209 99 1,305 9 15,514 55
Aggravated sexual assault (level 3) 97 1 17 0 114 0
Sexual assault with a weapon (level 2) 289 2 44 0 333 1
Sexual assault (level 1) 12,879 90 1,110 8 13,989 49
Other sexual offences 944 7 134 1 1,078 4
Physical assault 104,623 727 107,486 764 212,109 746
Major assault (levels 2 and 3) 17,419 121 30,736 219 48,155 169
Common assault (level 1) 84,245 586 68,114 484 152,359 536
Other assaultsNote 2 2,959 21 8,636 61 11,595 41
Firearms - use of, discharge, pointing 257 2 628 4 885 3
Criminal harassment 11,688 81 3,629 26 15,317 54
Indecent/harassing phone calls 7,613 53 3,447 25 11,060 39
Uttering threats 22,868 159 25,812 184 48,680 171
Robbery 7,940 55 16,793 119 24,733 87
Other violent offencesNote 3 4,080 28 1,920 14 6,000 21
Total offences 173,614 1,207 161,900 1,151 335,514 1,180
1. Rates are calculated on the basis of 100,000 population.
2. Other assaults include unlawfully causing bodily harm, assault against peace-public officer, and other assaults.
3. Includes abduction, kidnapping, hostage-taking, arson and other violent violations.
Note: Based on victims aged 15 to 89. Excludes incidents where the sex and/or age of victim was unknown.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
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