Data table for chart 4
Canadians who feel that various measures of social disorder are a very or fairly big problem in their neighbourhood, 2009

Chart 4
Canadians who feel that various measures of social disorder are a very or fairly big problem in their neighbourhood, 2009
Issue of social disorder percentage of Canadians aged 15 and older
People being attacked or harassed because of their skin colour, ethnic origin or religion 2
Prostitution 3
People sleeping on the streets or in other public places 3
Noisy neighbours or loud parties 5
People hanging around on the streets 6
People being drunk or rowdy in public places 8
Garbage or litter lying around 8
Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles 9
People using or dealing drugs 12
Note: Data from Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were collected using a different methodology and are therefore excluded.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2009.
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