Table 7
Self-reported violent victimization, by type of offence and offender characteristics, 2009

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Offender characteristics Sexual assault1 Robbery Physical assault1 Total violent victimization1
number (thousands) percent number (thousands) percent number (thousands) percent number (thousands) percent
Number of offenders
One 586 92 122 61 642 71 1,350 78
Two F F F F 100E 11E 162 9
Three or more F F F F 161 18 227 13
Male 510 87 113 94 559 88 1,182 88
Female 75E 13E F F 80 12E 162 12
Age group (in years)2
12 to 17 F F F F 89E 15E 169 13
18 to 24 144 26E F F 157 26 327 26
25 to 34 131 24E F F 143 23 303 24
35 to 44 99 18E F F 138 23 267 21
45 years or older 117 21 F F 82 14E 216 17
Relationship of offender to the victim
Family F F F F 104E 12E 169 10E
Friend, acquaintance, neighbour 324 51 58E 29E 278 31 660 38
Stranger 233 37 110E 55 459 51 802 46
Other F F F F 57 6 98 6E
Location of the incident
Private residence of the victim 65 11E 123 34 350 21 538 20
Other private residence 121 20E F F 194 12 334 13
Commercial establishment 337 54 F F 637 39 1,037 39
Street or other public place 82 13E 150E 41 439 27 671 25
Presence of a weapon
Yes F F 152 46 521 33 693 27
No 613 97 181 54 1,060 67 1,855 73
Did the incident cause injuries
Yes F F 75 20 358 22 474 18
No 621 94 293 80 1,303 78 2,217 82
1. Excludes all incidents of spousal sexual and physical assault.
2. Excludes incidents where the respondent said the offender was younger than 12 years old.
Note: Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding. Excludes responses of "Don't know and Not stated". Excludes data from the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut which will be published at a later date.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2009.
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