Table 8 Characteristics of adults admitted to federal custody, by Aboriginal status, 2006/2007

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  Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal
number percent1
Total 2,403 9,582 100 100
Most serious offence
Violent offences 1,342 4,028 56 42
Serious violent offences2 468 933 19 10
Sexual offences 202 538 8 6
Robbery 570 2,269 24 24
Common assault 11 17 0 0
Other violent offences3 91 271 4 3
Property offences 515 2,583 21 27
Break and enter 396 1,747 16 18
Theft and possession of property 9 77 0 1
Fraud 34 406 1 4
Other property offences4 76 353 3 4
Offences against the Administration of Justice 77 219 3 2
Other Criminal Code offences (excludes traffic) 146 1,036 6 11
Criminal Code - traffic offences 170 585 7 6
Drug offences 113 1,007 5 11
Other offences5 40 124 2 1
Employment status at admission
Employed (part-time, full-time) F 5,884 F 76
Not employable - disabled, medical reasons, etc. F 1,871 F 24
Unknown ... 1,827 ... ...
Need indicated6
Substance abuse 2,023 6,655 93 78
Attitude 1,306 5,258 63 64
Family/marital 1,239 3,054 58 38
Personal/emotional 1,986 7,160 91 84
Social interaction 1,659 5,800 78 70
Employment 1,770 4,842 83 59
Community 932 2,676 44 33
Number of needs indicated7
Zero to one 24 319 1 4
Two to three 331 3,089 15 36
Four 401 1,658 18 19
Five to seven 1,421 3,504 65 41
Notes: The number of unknowns were too high to get a reliable estimate of education completed. Admissions to custody includes admissions for warrants of committal, parole violations, parole revocation and other temporary detention.
1. Percentage calculations exclude 'unknown'.
2. Includes homicide, attempted murder and major assault.
3. Includes violations involving the deprivation of freedom and violations involving violence or the threat of violence.
4. Includes mischief and arson.
5. Includes federal statute offences, provincial and territorial offences, municipal by-law infractions, and unknown offences.
6. Includes only those cases where need assessments were performed, therefore proportions are not based on total admissions. Need is indicated as being present when the need is assessed as medium or high.
7. Includes only those cases where need assessments were performed. Need is indicated as being present when the need is assessed as medium or high. Maximum number of needs reported for federal offenders is 7.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Integrated Correctional Services Survey.